
We host events around the world and online to share results and policy lessons from randomized evaluations, build new partnerships between researchers and practitioners, and train organizations on how to design and conduct randomized evaluations.

Upcoming Events

Madre jugando con su hija alrededor de una mesa

Investigación sobre desarrollo infantil temprano: Evidencia en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

to (11:00am to 12:00pm EDT)
En vivo vía Zoom
J-PAL Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) y la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) llevarán a cabo un ciclo de webinars. La segunda conferencia, “Investigación sobre desarrollo infantil temprano: Evidencia en Latinoamérica y el Caribe”, ofrecida por Claudia Macías, subdirectora ejecutiva de J-PAL...
Group photo of 2023 ESP participants in Johannesburg

J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course

Hosted by:
Accra, Ghana
The J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course will provide a thorough understanding of randomized evaluations and pragmatic step-by-step training for conducting one’s own evaluation.
J-PAL SEA Evaluating Social Program (ESP) workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in collaboration with the World Bank
Workshop or Training

J-PAL SEA Executive Education: Evaluating Social Programs 2024

Hosted by:
Bali, Indonesia
The J-PAL SEA Executive Education Course will provide an in-depth look at why and when randomized evaluations can be used to rigorously measure social impact, methods and considerations for the design and implementation, and how findings can inform evidence-based policies and programs.
Participants Discuss at a Workshop

CLEAR/J-PAL South Asia’s Executive Education: Evaluating Social Programs 2024

Hosted by:
Bengaluru, India
Evaluating Social Programs (ESP) 2024 is a three-day in-person course that explores the use of monitoring and evaluation to drive sustainable social impact at scale.

Past Events

A woman works on her laptop in an office setting in Uganda.
Workshop or Training

J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course, 2022

Abuja, Nigeria
This five-day course on evaluating social programs will provide a thorough understanding of randomized evaluations and pragmatic step-by-step training for conducting one’s own evaluation.
A man in a brown and white flannel kneeling in a leafy green field while holding a tablet in his left hand and a leaf in his right hand.

Launching the Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative’s Regional Scholars Program

Live via Zoom
This webinar will introduce Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative's Fall 2022 funding priorities and provide information for African and South Asian scholars about how to apply for this funding.
Ecole d'ete 2022 - Photo page web
Workshop or Training

Summer School: Development Methodologies

Abdijan, Côte d'Ivoire
As part of the "Development Methodologies" Professorship held by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, a summer school for African researchers and policymakers will be organised from 5 to 8 July 2022 in Abidjan, on the campus of the Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (ENSEA).
mujer concentrada hilando manto típico, Latinoamérica

Generando evidencia para impulsar la agencia económica de las mujeres en Centroamérica, México y Colombia

to (12:00 to 1:30pm EDT)
J-PAL Latinoamérica y el Caribe junto a la Iniciativa de Género y Agencia Económica (GEA) de J-PAL organizarán un webinar, gratuito y en español sobre lecciones de evidencia para promover la agencia económica de las mujeres aplicable al contexto de Centroamérica, México y Colombia. Asimismo...
A diverse group of co-workers mingle and work together in a common work space in Nairobi, Kenya

Countering Discrimination: Policy and Research to Combat Bias in the Workplace

Hosted by:
Live via Zoom
Rigorous research has shown that discriminatory practices are often embedded in the workplace. This webinar will address what strategies are effective at combating this type of bias.
Students and teacher participating in executive education course
Workshop or Training

Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Germany and Beyond

Hosted by:
Bonn, Germany
This event will bring together German domestic policymakers, implementers, and actors of the German development cooperation to discuss and learn about evidence use and rigorous impact evaluation. Together we would like to work towards more evidence-informed programming and policymaking in Germany...
A young person participates in a Vocational Skills Training Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa

The search for good jobs: Youth Job Search and Job Quality

to (10:00 to 11:30am EDT)
Live via Zoom
As part of the Morocco Employment Lab (MEL)’s research seminar series, Prof. Imran Rasul will present a recent study entitled “The search for good jobs: Evidence from a six-year field experiment in Uganda”. This study seeks to understand the origins of young people's job search behaviors in the...
J-PAL affiliate Luc Behagel presents at a J-PAL training event.
Workshop or Training

J-PAL/MIT Evaluating Social Programs Course, 2022

Live via Zoom
Held live over Zoom, this five-day training will equip participants with the resources and knowledge to engage with impact evaluations of social programs. The interactive course provides an in-depth look at why and when randomized evaluations can be used to rigorously measure social impact, methods...