Youth economic inclusion: Improving Job Search and Hiring with Limited Information

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The Covid-19 pandemic disproportionately affected youth globally, raising youth unemployment to 17.2% in 2020. As countries’ economies recover, better matching labor supply and demand will be essential to improve youth economic inclusion.
Against this backdrop, information frictions can play a significant role in labor market outcomes such as employment and wage levels. For firms, missing information on jobseekers’ skills could lead to inadequate hiring and wage offers. For jobseekers, this could lead them to search for jobs that are not adapted to their skills, or even withdraw from search entirely. While most existing policies do acknowledge this challenge, they usually only target one side of the market — either helping firms better assess applicants’ skills or supporting jobseekers to better evaluate or signal their skills.
As part of the Morocco Employment Lab (MEL)’s research seminar series, this webinar will present evidence on how information frictions affect both firms and jobseekers’ behavior and discuss how this could inform the design of better mechanisms to improve information on jobseekers’ skills in the labor market.
The webinar will be presented in English with real-time translation into French.
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Kate Orkin, Senior Research Fellow in Behavioral Economics at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford