USI Nepal Matchmaking Conference

J-PAL hosted the third regional matchmaking conference for its Urban Services Initiative (USI) in Kathmandu, Nepal from November 2 - 4, 2014. The conference brought together researchers and practitioners active in urban service delivery throughout South Asia. The aim of the conference was to forge new research partnerships between implementing organizations and J-PAL affiliated researchers to undertake randomized evaluations of innovative programs designed to improve the delivery of urban services in the region.
Representatives attended from a variety of organizations: local municipal governments (Nepal, India), national policy planning bodies (Nepal, Bhutan), the World Bank (Nepal), and numerous local and international NGOs (Bangladesh, India, Nepal.) Existing randomized impact evaluations were presented and breakout sessions were held in which researchers and practitioners who share similar regional and thematic interests discussed and mapped out opportunities for collaboration. At the end of the conference, participants presented twelve joint researcher-practitioner proposals for future research projects.
Click on a presentation title to view slides.
Opening Remarks
Esther Duflo, MIT and Thomas Chupein, J-PAL
Principles of Impact Evaluation and Randomized Controlled Trials
Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale University
USI Research Priorities Overview
Sebastian Galiani, University of Maryland
Creating a Toilet Habit
Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale University
Urban Livelihoods and Migration
Melanie Morten, Stanford University
Addressing Uptake of Technology and Behavior in Urban Settings
Atonu Rabbani, University of Dhaka
Short Implementing Partner Presentations on Programs of Interest