Teaching at the Right Level Webinar Series: Session 5 - Adapting the TaRL Approach to Different Contexts

The next webinar, Adapting the TaRL approach to different contexts, will take place on Tuesday, December 11 at 8:00 AM ET. Register for the webinar and submit your questions by December 7.
In this webinar, Emily Cupito (Associate Director of Policy, J-PAL Africa) will present on applying the generalizability framework using the adoption of TaRL in Zambia as an example. Usha Rane (Director of Content and Training, Pratham) and Meera Tendolkar (Head of Math Content, Pratham) will discuss their experience adapting teaching and learning materials and activities across India and Africa. Moitshepi Matsheng (Co-founder and Country Coordinator, Young 1ove) and Noam Angrist (Co-founder and Executive Director, Young 1ove) will discuss their work to adapt TaRL for the Botswana context. This will be followed by a question and answer session. The registration link will be posted on this page shortly.
To join us on December 11, please click here and plan to join five minutes before the scheduled start.