Taller: “Diseño de evaluación de impacto” con funcionarios del Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables del Perú

Program objectives
J-PAL LAC, IPA Peru, and the Peruvian Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) are currently engaged in a project to institutionalize the use and generation of rigorous evidence in policy decision-making at the MIMP’s National Program against Domestic and Sexual Violence (PNCVFS) and the MIMP in general. One of the components of this project is the Impact Evaluation Incubator which included two training workshops for PNCVFS staff. This second workshop focused on the step-by-step design of a potential evaluation for the interventions managed by PNCVFS staff. By the end of the four-day workshop, participants should have decent knowledge of impact evaluation basic mechanics and be able to design a preliminary evaluation. The course was led by J-PAL LAC and IPA Peru staff as well as J-PAL affiliate Professor Erica Field (University of Duke).
Program Focus
Through both lectures and group sessions, participants were provided with a basic understanding of randomized evaluation including:
- Different impact evaluation methodologies
- The key components of randomized evaluations
- Guidelines for successful implementation of a randomized evaluation
- Determining appropriate sample size, measure outcomes, and manage data
- Guarding against threats that may undermine the integrity of the results
Target Audience
The course was tailored to the needs of the staff from the PNCVFS. The staff includes public servants with diverse professions and different levels of knowledge about impact evaluation so the contents aimed at covering all basic topics.