Results Symposium | Impact Evaluation Initiative for employment in Morocco: Results, Lessons, and Opportunities

The Morocco Employment Lab (MEL) is organizing a large symposium in partnership with the Millennium Challenge Account Morocco Agency (MCA-Morocco) to disseminate the research findings of all MEL research projects launched to date and encourage dialogue among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners.
The objectives of this symposium are manifold:
- Present MEL-supported randomized evaluations and research projects;
- Discuss how results from these evaluations can inform policymaking in Morocco;
- Showcase how collaborations between researchers and policymakers develop and the various steps involved in randomized evaluations;
- Reflect on the prerequisites to build further collaborations between research and policy in Morocco;
- Present how the evidence produced in Morocco compares and contributes to global evidence.
Each evaluation will get a dedicated session, where both researchers and practitioners involved will present the project. All sessions will provide an opportunity for questions and debate from the audience and aim to reflect on the successes and challenges of MEL in strengthening a culture of evidence use in the country.
While in-person attendance for this event is by invitation only, the event will be livestreamed for all to join.
Livestream link forthcoming
Agenda and speakers