From Research to Action: Data Sharing for Policy and Program Evaluation

Data sharing for policy-relevant research is a highly valuable but complex matter. Using data in an innovative manner can improve the scope and quality of evidence available for policymaking and program design. However, there remain questions that prevent researchers and policymakers from gaining the full benefit of data sharing. This may include concerns surrounding data privacy and security; the format and database in which data is stored; the value proposition for data providers of what research is possible; and technical skills required for analysis and experiments. Laying out the groundwork for data use is therefore essential to address these challenges. A well-established data use foundation can improve the credibility of data, as well as maintain the ethicality and safety in data sharing practices.
The purpose of this webinar is to discuss the role of data in supporting evidence-informed policymaking. We will delve into successful cases of data sharing, explore questions on how to ease the process of data sharing, and challenges surrounding data security and data privacy.
Webinar Recap
02.05 - 02.15 PM
Keynote speech
02.15 - 02.30 PM
Challenges in sharing and accessing data
02.30 - 02.45 PM
Using data for evaluating policies and programs
02.45 - 03.00 PM
Improving data sharing and data access policies
03.00 - 03.20 PM
Audience QnA
Suprayoga Hadi (keynote speaker)
Executive Secretary, the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K)
Aside from his role as the Executive Secretary of TNP2K, Suporayoga Hadi is also the Deputy of Policy Support for Human Development and Equality Development at the Office of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Prior to this, Suprayoga served as the Director General of the Development of Specific Areas, and the Acting Director General of Rural Community Development and Empowerment at the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration from 2015 to 2017.
Dwi Retno Wilujeng Wahyu Utami
Deputy Director of Statistic Dissemination, Statistics Indonesia/Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Prior to serving as the Deputy Director of Statistic Dissemination, Dwi Retno served as the Head of BPS at Bangka Belitung Province. She holds a master’s degree in Demographic Science from the University of Indonesia, and a bachelor’s degree in Statistics from IPB University (Institut Pertanian Bogor).
Vitasari Anggraeni
Partnerships Manager, Pulse Lab Jakarta
Vitasari Anggraeni currently serves as a Partnership Manager at Pulse Lab Jakarta. Prior to this, she worked as Economic Opportunities Manager at KOMPAK, a facility funded by the Government of Australia to support the Government of Indonesia in achieving its poverty reduction targets and addressing inequality. Vitasari holds a master’s degree in International Political Economy from the University of Groningen, and a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Gadjah Mada University.
Poppy Widyasari
Associate Director of Research, J-PAL Southeast Asia
Poppy Widyasari leads the research vertical which includes overseeing all the research projects developed and implemented. She has over 5 years of experience in managing, leading and working on various randomized evaluations and conducting numerous engagements for collaboration with diverse research partners. She joined J-PAL Southeast Asia as a Research Associate in 2016.
Lina Marliani (closing remarks speaker)
Executive Director, J-PAL Southeast Asia
Lina Marliani provides strategic oversight to J-PAL Southeast Asia's core engagements of conducting research, policy outreach, and capacity building. During her time with J-PAL Southeast Asia, Lina has also served as Research Director, in which capacity she oversaw J-PAL Southeast Asia's multi-sector research engagements, involving partners such as TNP2K, BNP2TKI, BPJS and Bappenas, and sectors including service delivery, migrant welfare, maternal and child health, among many others.
Cindy Sistyarani (moderator)
News Producer & Presenter, KompasTV
Cindy Sistyarani previously worked as a News Reporter and Presenter for TvOne (2007 - 2011) and KompasTV (2011-2012), with a particular focus on national news, specifically related to law and politics. Currently, Cindy is a News Producer and Presenter at KompasTV, where she leads the production of regular programs including Kompas Petang and Dua Arah talkshow.