Measuring Women’s Agency, Empowerment, and Norms in Impact Evaluations: A webinar with Shagun Sabarwal

As a part of gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2020, a global monitoring and evaluation (M&E) knowledge-sharing movement convened by the World Bank’s CLEAR Initiative, CLEAR/J-PAL South Asia will hold a webinar on Measuring Women’s Agency, Empowerment, and Norms in Impact Evaluations
Gender outcomes—agency, empowerment, and norms—can often seem nebulous and hard to capture through concrete quantitative and qualitative indicators. What does it mean for women to have agency? Can women’s empowerment be measured? How can we know if social norms have changed? These are some of the questions to consider when designing and evaluating a program aimed at transforming gender outcomes.
J-PAL’s Gender sector aims to address inequality by objectively measuring outcomes that are often socially-embedded and seemingly abstract. J-PAL affiliates and staff from all over the world have also produced a Practical Guide to Measuring Women’s Empowerment in Impact Evaluations for this purpose.
In this lecture-based webinar, Shagun Sabarwal will draw on this body of work to discuss strategies to measure gender outcomes. Join us to explore ways in which we can apply measurement tools to generate rich evidence on improving gender outcomes.
About the Presenter
Shagun Sabarwal is Director of Policy, Training and Communications at J-PAL South Asia, and Director of the CLEAR South Asia Center.
She advances J-PAL South Asia’s partnerships with governments, donors, civil society organizations, and J-PAL affiliates to establish new research, disseminate policy lessons, and scale up successful social programs. She also provides strategic and technical leadership to CLEAR/J-PAL South Asia’s capacity building engagements.
Shagun provides strategic advice to J-PAL’s Gender sector. Her previous work has included research on maternal and child health, adolescent health, and intimate partner violence.
Prior to joining J-PAL, Shagun was an Evaluation Specialist with 3ie and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Population Council. She completed her doctorate in public health from Harvard University.
About J-PAL’s Gender Sector
J-PAL’s Gender sector, launched in 2018, produces cross-cutting insights on promoting gender equality and women and girls' empowerment, and on how norms related to gender affect the outcomes of social programs.