Learning for All Initiative

J-PAL's Education sector is launching the Learning for All Initiative (LAI)!
LAI seeks to improve global learning outcomes for children in low- and middle-income countries by conducting research on how to increase foundational literacy, numeracy, and holistic skills for early childhood, primary, and lower-secondary students, with a focus on inclusion and marginalized children. LAI also seeks to bridge the gap between research and policy, supporting policymakers to use evidence in designing and scaling innovative education reforms.
The sector hosted a webinar on Wednesday, February 1st, 2023. Check out our Q&A document reiterating attendees’ thoughtful questions from the event. If you are interested in potentially connecting with a researcher in our network, we invite you to complete our matchmaking form. We are happy to review your information and follow up with further questions or next steps if we think a connection may be feasible. Please note that this will not guarantee a match, given our affiliated researchers are all independent academics.
Have questions?
Reach out to the team at [email protected] for more information.