Launching the Results from Transparency for Development (T4D) Evaluation and sharing on Community-led Transparency and Accountability Programs to Improve Health and Other Social Services in Indonesia

Istana Ballroom, Sari Pacific Hotel, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 6, Jakarta, Indonesia

Photo: Jessica Creighton | T4D

Between 2013 and 2018, J-PAL affiliated researchers, in collaboration with Results for Development (R4D), Harvard Kennedy School's Ash Center (HKS) and PATTIRO, conducted a randomized evaluation of the Transparency for Development (T4D) program to generate lessons on how to strengthen transparency and accountability of public health systems by engaging civic participation across two countries: Indonesia and Tanzania.

Poor governance may be one factor that contributes to low-quality public healthcare and service delivery, but rigorous evidence on the effectiveness of programs that aim to strengthen the transparency and accountability of public health systems is mixed. This collaboration evaluated the impact of the T4D program, which provided “scorecards” to communities to inform local health challenges and barriers to receiving health care services, especially for poor women and children. The program was designed to better inform the communities in formulating and implementing plans to improve health care service delivery.

Collaborators have convened this half-day conference to share findings from this evaluation. Through informing policymakers and the public of these findings, the research team is committed to improving understanding of the impact of citizen empowerment and civic participation to improve transparency in public service system.

This event is also expected to foster multi-stakeholder and interagency dialogue to better identify and formulate the most effective solutions in improving governance of public service delivery in Indonesia.

The conference will also feature a session discussing community engagements models for social accountability and public participation. Invited speakers include representatives from the Ministry of Village, Rural Development and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT); Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI); and Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan (KOMPAK) to share their flagship program. During this session, participants will discuss their experience designing and implementing programs which aim to provide information to encourage civic activities in improving the responsiveness and effectiveness of public services, as well as share challenges, opportunities and lessons in implementation 

Through this event, J-PAL Southeast Asia and our partners are committed to supporting policymakers and practitioners in understanding the impact of community empowerment in improving public service systems, which will ultimately lead to better outcomes for citizens and government. We welcome attendance from policymakers, local government officials, NGO representatives, academics, public health practitioners and others interested in the field of governance.

Please register here.