Launching the Jobs and Opportunity Initiative African Scholars Program

J-PAL’s Jobs and Opportunity Initiative (JOI) is excited to launch its African Scholars program beginning in the Fall 2021 request for proposal round, which will offer research funding to African scholars (individuals who have completed their PhD in Economics or a related field who are based at an academic institution in sub-Saharan Africa). This webinar will introduce JOI’s funding priorities and provide information for African scholars about how to apply for this funding.
JOI is dedicated to generating policy-relevant, rigorous evidence to address pressing labor market challenges. The initiative is invested in creating more opportunities for African scholars to develop and drive the research agenda on the African continent through funding. African scholars who have completed a PhD in economics or a related field and are based in an academic institution in sub-Saharan Africa are eligible to apply.
African Scholars are eligible to apply for proposal development grants (up to $10,000) and pilot grants (up to $75,000). African scholars who have previously completed a successful pilot study funded by J-PAL are eligible to apply for full randomized evaluation funding (up to $400,000). Targeted mentorship will be provided to African scholars who receive funds from the initiative.
In addition to providing an overview of the initiative and African Scholars program, during this webinar the JOI team will feature tips on applying for J-PAL funding from a researcher involved in the Digital Identification and Finance Initiative African Scholars program, eligibility details, and Q&A.
Registration for this event is now closed.