J-PAL Southeast Asia Conference on Social Protection: Evidence for Informed Policy

This conference brought together distinguished academics, policymakers, and representatives from government agencies, multilateral institutions, and donor agencies operating in Indonesia and Southeast Asia to examine the existing evidence on critical social protection policies, identify the key policy questions that remain, and explore how researchers and policymakers can come together to answer them.
This event was made possible thanks to generous support from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and J-PAL's Governance Initiative, supported by the UK Department for International Development.
Opening Remarks
Rema Hanna, Harvard University
Fleur Davies, Minister Counsellor, Governance & Human Development, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Keynote Remarks on Social Protection Policies and Programs in Indonesia
Sofyan Djalil, Minister of National Development Planning, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Government of Indonesia
Bambang Widianto, Deputy Secretary to the Vice President for Human Development Policy Support and Equitable Development and Executive Secretary, National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K), Government of Indonesia
Andi Z.A. Dulung, Director General of Social Protection and Security, Ministry of Social Affairs
Session I: Effectively Designing Transfers for Social Protection
Jenny Aker, Tufts University (Slides)
Elan Satriawan, TNP2K, Government of Indonesia (Slides)
Vivi Alatas, The World Bank
Session II: Targeting and Delivery of Social Protection Programs
Benjamin Olken, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Slides)
Sudarno Sumarto, TNP2K, Government of Indonesia (Slides)
Rimawan Pradiptyo, Research and Training in Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (P2EB FEB UGM)
Session III: Social Protection Programs and Labor Supply
Selim Gulesci, University of Bocconi
Gabriel Kreindler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Slides)
Teguh Dartanto, Institute for Economic and Social Research, University of Indonesia
Closing Remarks
Lina Marliani, Executive Director, J-PAL Southeast Asia