Impact and Policy Conference: Evidence in Governance, Financial Inclusion, and Entrepreneurship

Edgar Cua, Deputy Director General, East Asia Research Department, Asian Development Bank
Keynote Addresses
Vinod Thomas, Director General for Independent Evaluation, Asian Development Bank
Annie Duflo, Executive Director, Innovations for Poverty Action
Governance & Post-Conflict Recovery
Welcome & Overview
Iqbal Dhaliwal, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, MIT
Keynote Address
S.Y. Quraishi, Former Chief Election Commissioner of India
Session1: Elections
Research Findings:
Claudio Ferraz, PUC-Rio
Xavier Giné, World Bank
Practitioner Innovations:
Ramesh Ramanathan, Janaagraha
Harsha de Silva, Member of Parliament, Parliament of Sri Lanka
Panel Discussion: How to strengthen elections and increase accountability of elected representatives: key issues and areas for further research
Harsha de Silva, Claudio Ferraz, Xavier Giné, Ramesh Ramanathan, SY Quraishi
Moderator: Iqbal Dhaliwal, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, MIT
Session 2: Leakages
Research Findings:
Rema Hanna, Harvard University
David Yanagizawa-Drott, Harvard University
Practitioner Innovations:
Jayant Sinha, Omidyar Network
Sudarno Sumarto, The SMERU Research Institute
Varad Pande, India Ministry of Rural Development
Panel Discussion: Key challenges in reducing leakages, evidence based on policy and areas for further research
Varad Pande, Jayant Sinha, Sudarno Sumarto, David Yanagizawa-Drott
Moderator: Rema Hanna, Harvard University
Session 3: Conflict Management and Reconstruction
Research Findings:
Lakshmi Iyer, Harvard University
Fotini Christia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cyrus Samii, New York University
Panel Discussion: How to prevent conflicts and accelerate post-conflict recovery in Asia, and areas for further research
Scott Guggenheim (AusAID), Lakshmi Iyer, Fotini Christia, Secretary Teresita Quintos-Deles (Philippines Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process)
Moderator: Cyrus Samii, New York University
Closing Remarks:
Kelly Bidwell, Innovations for Poverty Action
Matchmaking Program for Research and Innovation
Presentations by Policy Organizations and Feedback from Research panel
Financial Inclusion
Welcome & Overview
Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan, Yale University & Innovations for Poverty Action
Session 1: Impact of Microcredit
Dean Karlan, Innovations for Poverty Action & Yale University
Britta Augsburg, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Gharad Bryan, London School of Economics
Commentator: Varad Pande, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India and Frances Sinha, EDA Rural Systems
Session 2: Access to Savings Services
Silvia Prina, Case Western Reserve University
Bram Thuysbaert, Innovations for Poverty Action
Commentator: Alexia Latortue, Consultative Group Assist the Poor (CGAP)
Session 3: Improving Financial Capabilities – Part I
Menno Pradhan, Free University & University of Amsterdam
Changcheng Song, National University of Singapore
Commentator: Betty Wilkinson, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Matchmaking Program for Research and Innovation
Graham Macmillan, Citi Foundation
Florencia Spangaro, Citi Foundation
Dean Karlan, Innovations for Poverty Action & Yale University
Moderator: Beniamino Savonitto, Innovations for Poverty Action
Session 4: Improving Financial Capabilities – Part II
Bilal Zia, World Bank
Dean Yang, University of Michigan
Commentator: Graham Macmillan, Citi Foundation
Session 5: Managing Risk
Xavier Giné, World Bank
David McKenzie, World Bank
Commentator: Jeanna Holtz, Microinsurance Innovation Facility, ILO
Session 6: New Payment Channels
Billy Jack, Georgetown University
Joshua Blumenstock, University of Washington
Commentator: Gordon Cooper, VISA
Small and Medium Enterprise Development
Lucia Sanchez, Innovations for Poverty Action
Session 1: Access to Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Shawn Cole, Harvard Business School
Daniel Paravisini, London School of Economics
Sharon Buteau, IFMR/SEFC
Commentator: Romy Caradang, Development Bank of the Philippines
Session 2: Human Capital and Job Creation
Rocco Macchiavello, Warwick University
Russell Toth, University of Sydney
David McKenzie, World Bank
Greg Fischer, London School of Economics
Commentator: Michel M. Botzung, International Finance Corporation
Session 3: Access to Markets and Technology
Alessandro Maffioli, Inter-American Development Bank
Veronica Rappoport, London School of Economics
Mudit Kapoor, Indian School of Business
Commentator: Neil McCulloch, AusAID
Matchmaking Program for Research and Innovation
Presentations by Policy Organizations and Feedback from Research panel
Chair: Dean Karlan, Innovations for Poverty Action & Yale University
Overview & Closing Remarks
Dean Karlan, President and Founder, Innovations for Poverty Action