Global Evidence for Egypt Conference: Using Evidence to Inform Decision-Making

Please join us for the upcoming Global Evidence for Egypt conference, which will focus on how evidence from randomized evaluations conducted globally can inform decision-making in Egypt. This conference is co-hosted by J-PAL Middle East and North Africa (MENA) at the American University in Cairo and UNICEF Egypt, supported by Allianz.
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This conference is part of the Global Evidence for Egypt Spotlight Seminar Series, which brings together Egyptian policymakers and researchers in the J-PAL network in a discussion about how to tackle priority policy issues in Egypt. In these seminars, policymakers highlight a particular development priority in Egypt, and J-PAL affiliates offer evidence-informed insights for improving policy and program design from a global perspective. Together, the panel of policymakers and J-PAL affiliates ground the evidence in the Egyptian context and explore possible policy solutions.
The upcoming conference aims to foster discussions around Egypt’s policy priorities using rigorous evidence from J-PAL’s global evidence base and identify paths to inform poverty reduction policies in Egypt.
Opening Remarks:
Alison Fahey
Executive Director, J-PAL MENA at AUC
Jeremy Hopkins
UNICEF Representative in Egypt
Dr. Ahmad Dallal
President, American University in Cairo
Panelists (in conference order):
Dr. Ahmed ElSayed
Director of Research, J-PAL MENA at AUC
Research Associate Professor, AUC
Dr. Reham Rizk
Head of Social Planning and Development Unit, MPED
Dr. Atef El-Shabrawi
Advisor to the Minister of Social Solidarity, MoSS
Dr. Bruno Crepon
Scientific Director, J-PAL MENA
Professor, ENSAE and École Polytechnique
Dr. Amira Tawadros
Director, Demographic Center in Cairo
Coordinator, National Family Development Program, MPED
Ms. Somaya El Alfy
Head of the Central Department for Planning and Follow-Up, NCCM
Dr. Jeremy Magruder
Professor and Department Chair, University of California-Berkeley
Dr. Gamel Helmy
Assistant Minister for Monitoring Affairs, MPED
Eng. Tarek Shash
Deputy Executive Director and Head of Planning and International Cooperation, MSMEDA
Alison Fahey (Moderator)
Executive Director, J-PAL MENA at AUC
Link to watch the livestream >>