Early Childhood Development: Guiding Investments in Long-Term Human Capital Development

Please join us for the upcoming Global Evidence for Egypt spotlight seminar on early childhood development, which will focus on global evidence from interventions to enhance healthy caregiver and community practices. This seminar is co-hosted by J-PAL Middle East and North Africa (MENA) at the American University in Cairo and UNICEF Egypt.
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This seminar is the sixth in the Global Evidence for Egypt Spotlight Series, which brings together Egyptian policymakers and researchers in the J-PAL network in a discussion about how to tackle priority policy issues in Egypt. During each seminar, policymakers highlight a particular development priority in Egypt, and J-PAL affiliates offer evidence-informed insights for improving policy and program design from a global perspective. Together, the panel of policymakers and J-PAL affiliates ground the evidence in the Egyptian context and explore possible policy solutions.
The event will foster a conversation around early childhood development in Egypt with a focus on health, nutrition, education, and the home environment. It will also share evidence from low- and middle- income countries to provide insights on guiding investments in multiple domains to foster long-term human capital development in Egypt.
H.E Minister Nevine El Kabbag, Minister of Social Solidarity
Dr. Wael AbdelRazek, Head of the Primary Healthcare and Nursery Sector at the Ministry of Health and Population
Dr. Karen Macours, Professor at Paris School of Economics and Co-Chair of the Health sector at J-PAL Global
Dr. Inas Hegazy, Early Childhood Development Manager at UNICEF Egypt
Mr. Jeremy Hopkins, UNICEF Representative in Egypt
Ms. Alison Fahey, Executive Director of J-PAL MENA at AUC (Moderator)