Banking The Unbanked: The Effects Of Agents’ Financial Incentives And Transparency in Increasing The Take-up and Usage of Financial Products

To further support the important work of digital financial service (DFS) stakeholders in Indonesia, J-PAL Southeast Asia’s Inclusive Financial Innovation Initiative (IFII) is hosting a learning collaborative webinar to share valuable findings from a randomized evaluation conducted by IFII invited researchers on increasing the take-up and usage of branchless banking products. This webinar will also feature a presentation from MicroSave Consulting Indonesia about branchless banking agent networks.
The randomized evaluation was conducted to measure the impact of implementing different levels of incentives for bank agents, as well as the transparency of communicating these incentives, on the take-up of branchless banking products. During the webinar, speakers will provide an overview of Indonesia’s bank agent network and discuss evidence-based recommendations to promote branchless banking agent networks. The webinar will be a learning collaborative forum to bring together actors working in DFS and other relevant areas to identify useful recommendations in promoting financial inclusion in Indonesia. Register to attend the webinar >>
Agenda and Speakers
Opening Remarks
Lina Marliani
Executive Director, J-PAL SEA/ LPEM FEB UI
MicroSave Consulting: the Agent Landscape in Indonesia
Grace Retnowati
Country Director, MicroSave Consulting Indonesia
Raunak Kapoor
Senior Manager, Country Program Development, MicroSave Consulting Indonesia
Banking the unbanked: The effects of agents’ financial incentives and transparency in increasing the take-up and usage of financial products
Gianmarco León-Cilliotta
Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona GSE, IPEG, IFII Invited Researcher
Firman Witoelar
Australian National University, IFII Invited Researcher