Nuestros Socios

Nuestro trabajo no sería posible sin la colaboración y la dedicación de muchos socios. Juntos estamos impulsados ​​por una creencia compartida en el poder de la evidencia científica para comprender lo que realmente funciona en la lucha contra la pobreza.

Nuestro trabajo no sería posible sin la colaboración y la dedicación de muchos socios. Juntos estamos impulsados ​​por una creencia compartida en el poder de la evidencia científica para comprender lo que realmente funciona en la lucha contra la pobreza.

Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), una organización de investigación sin fines de lucro con programas y oficinas en todo el mundo. Otros socios son: 

  • Organizaciones implementadoras como gobiernos, ONGs, organizaciones multilaterales y empresas que llevan programas que son evaluados por nuestros profesores afiliados, o las cuales utilizan nuestras lecciones de políticas públicas para invertir en programas que han demostrado ser efectivos.
  • Donantes, incluyendo fundaciones y organizaciones bilaterales, que proporcionan fondos para evaluaciones, escalamientos e iniciativas de investigación.
  • Centros de investigación y organizaciones que implementan las evaluaciones aleatorias de nuestros profesores afiliados, incluido el Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, el Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), el Crime Lab en la Universidad de Chicago, el Evidence for Policy Desing (EPoD) en Harvard Kennedy School y el IFMR Lead.

Harvard University Lab for Economic Applications and Policy (LEAP)

The Lab for Economic Applications and Policy facilitates research related to government policy, with the ultimate aim of injecting scientific evidence into policy debates.

Harvard University Project on Justice, Welfare, & Economics (JWE)

The Project on Justice, Welfare, and Economics (JWE) fosters scholarly research by faculty and graduate students on issues at the intersection of economics and the other social sciences, and law and ethics.

Harvard University South Asia Institute (SAI)

The Harvard University South Asia Institute (SAI) engages faculty and students through interdisciplinary programs to advance and deepen the teaching and research on global issues relevant to South Asia.Formerly known as the South Asia Initiative.

Harvard University Sustainability Science Program (SSP)

Harvard's Sustainability Science Program promotes the design of institutions, policies, and practices that support sustainable development. The Program addresses the challenge of sustainable development by advancing scientific understanding of human-environment systems, improving linkages between...

Harvard University Weatherhead Center for International Affairs

The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs is an international research center at Harvard University.

Harvard University William F. Milton Fund

The William F. Milton Fund helps support research conducted by Harvard University Faculty.

Health Authorities of Haut-Katanga

JPAL partnered with the health authorities of the Haut-Katanga district of DR Congo to evaluate the effect of performace-related pay on their services.

Hebei Shuangxing Seed Co., Ltd.

Hebei Shuangxing Seed Co., Ltd. is the first private breeding specialized technology enterprise that is integrated with scientific research, production, sales and service in Hebei Province. It is a credit enterprise with AA grade in seed industry of China, a credit enterprise with AAA grade in seed...

Heifer International

Heifer International links communities and helps bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with a long history of poverty.

Hellman Fellows Fund

Established by Warren & Chris Hellman and their children in 1994, the purpose of the Hellman Fellows Program is to support the research of promising assistant professors who show capacity for great distinction in their chosen fields of endeavor.

Henry E. Niles Foundation

The mission of the Henry E. Niles Foundation is to support humanitarian efforts, including faith-based endeavors, that strengthen education, fight economic hardships through self-help opportunities, and enhance public health and sanitation on a global basis.

Higher Achievement Program (HAP)

Higher Achievement seeks to develop academic skills, behaviors, and attitudes in underserved students, and has partnered with J-PAL to implement a randomized evaluation of the program's impact.

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario

The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario is an arm’s-length agency of the Government of Ontario that brings evidence-based research to the continued improvement of the postsecondary education system in Ontario. As part of its mandate, HEQCO evaluates the postsecondary sector and provides...

HighScope Educational Research Foundation

HighScope Educational Research Foundation is an independent nonprofit education research, development, training, and public outreach organization.

Hikima Community Mobilization & Development Initiative

Hikima Community is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to have an informed community that can make decisions and lead to an improved life.

Hippocampus Learning Centres

Hippocampus Learning Centers (HLC), an organization that aims to provide affordable and high-quality pre-primary education for 3-6 year old children in rural Karnataka, India, is partnering with J-PAL affiliated researchers to conduct a randomized evaluation of attending two years of kindergarten.

Hitachi Center

The Hitachi Center for Technology and International Affairs at Tufts University facilitates a global exchange of ideas in the management of innovation and technological change and the advancement of economic and financial integration through advanced research, instruction, and intellectual and...


HomeFirst™ is a leading provider of services, shelter, and housing opportunities to the homeless and those at risk of homelessness in Santa Clara County. HomeFirst serves more than 5,000 adults, veterans, families, and youth each year at seven locations including the Boccardo Reception Center, which...

Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

A foundation that funds social policy research by PhD candidates.

Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO)

HUDCO partnered with JPAL to evaluate the network effects of a slum relocation program in their area of operation.