

Gran parte de nuestros esfuerzos, resultados y logros son frecuentemente publicados en variados lugares del mundo en blogs, prensa escrita, podcasts y contenido en línea, entre otros.

BRAC, Jameel Observatory-CREWSnet team up to reduce poverty with climate-adaptive innovations

The Jameel Observatory Climate Resilience Early Warning System Network (Jameel Observatory-CREWSnet) and Community Jameel will partner with BRAC to pilot innovative climate-adaptive technologies in the southwest region of Bangladesh.

What Africa can teach the world about the role of data in education transformation

This article touched on an independent study led by J-PAL affiliate Professor Michael Kremer, who investigated the methods that underpin every government program supported by NewGlobe, and found learning gains among the “largest ever measured in international education.”

J-PAL Europe named Uzbekistan the country of the month

The European Bureau of the Abdul Latif Jamil Anti-Poverty Action Laboratory (J-PAL Europe) named Uzbekistan the country of the month.

Identifying Scalable Strategies To Maintain Coverage As Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Ends

J-PAL affiliated researcher Rebecca Myerson (UW-Madison) and co-author Laura Dague (Texas A&M University) discuss the importance of applying evidence-based practices to promote health insurance take-up—and evaluating new approaches—to help keep individuals insured at a critical time.

An interview with Esther Duflo, Nobel Laureate in Economics | Save our rare victories

This article features an interview with Esther Duflo on her work to alleviate poverty.

Salud mental escolar

El artículo de opinión destaca la importancia de discutir las políticas públicas en educación. Aborda un intercambio previo de ideas sobre el tema y enfatiza los resultados de un programa implementado en Chile para informar políticas.

J-PAL North America announces six new evaluation incubator partners to catalyze research on pressing social issues

The J-PAL North America office is partnering with six new partners. Learn more about how J-PAL North America will support two nonprofits and four government agencies in designing randomized evaluations on housing stability, procedural justice, transportation, income assistance, and more.

Transform Learning shortlisted for WISE Awards

This article discusses how J-PAL affiliated professors have evaluated the education program, Transform Learning, which has recently been shortlisted to be among the 12 finalists of the 2023 WISE Awards.