

Gran parte de nuestros esfuerzos, resultados y logros son frecuentemente publicados en variados lugares del mundo en blogs, prensa escrita, podcasts y contenido en línea, entre otros.

India's billionaires got richer while coronavirus pushed millions of vulnerable people into poverty

CNN's article on wealth inequalities as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in India draws on a recent study by J-PAL researchers on the impact of the pandemic on workers in Bihar and Jharkhand.

Why Insurance Alone May Not Improve Women's Access To Healthcare

A study by J-PAL affiliate and Health sector co-chair Pascaline Dupas of the Rajasthan government's Bhamashah health insurance program for low-income households reveals findings about health insurance cover and gender inequality in access to subsidized healthcare.

Surat’s emission trading scheme to be replicated in Ahmedabad: CM Rupani

J-PAL researchers and the Gujarat Pollution Control Board are spearheading an emissions trading system in Gujarat, India to reduce pollution and improve air quality.

June 2021 North America Newsletter

J-PAL North America's June newsletter features a staff essay on how governments prioritize evidence in recovery solutions; an update of our Mobility from Poverty Learning Agenda to include Covid-19 research priorities; and a blog post sharing key insights from our May "Health Care Delivery...

Why Evidence Should Be a Priority in Pandemic Recovery

J-PAL North America's Rohit Naimpally writes about the opportunity to leverage evidence-based approaches to address long-term systemic challenges in state and local governments.

Duflo offers pathways to a better future, lessons from COVID-19 crisis

J-PAL co-founder and Nobel laureate Esther Duflo shares how Covid-19 pandemic recovery efforts can be used to forge a shared destiny between rich and poor countries if rich countries can commit to vaccine provision and social protection.

COVID pushed men into informal labour, women out of workforce: study

A survey of young, semi-skilled migrants from rural Bihar and Jharkhand by J-PAL affiliates and researchers from the University of Warwick shows that the Covid-19 lockdowns in India led to women dropping out of the labor force and men working more informal jobs.

Study: Effective campaign, free distribution can triple mask usage

Reiterating public health experts’ opinions, a study co-authored by J-PAL affiliate Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak has revealed that a combination of effective campaigning and making the mask available can increase the usage of facemasks.