

Gran parte de nuestros esfuerzos, resultados y logros son frecuentemente publicados en variados lugares del mundo en blogs, prensa escrita, podcasts y contenido en línea, entre otros.

Scaling up good ideas is really, really hard – and we’re starting to figure out why

J-PAL affiliate Mushfiq Mobarak explains why promising programs sometimes fall apart when we try to offer them to more people.

Pollution by the Numbers

An op-ed about collecting detailed data on air quality references a randomized evaluation conducted by J-PAL affiliates that showed improved cookstoves in India had no effect across health outcomes.

November 2018 Newsletter

J-PAL's Evidence to Policy pathways explore how J-PAL affiliated researchers and staff, along with government and NGO partners, have drawn on evidence produced by randomized evaluations to inform policy changes around the world. Read more in our November newsletter.

How Medicaid Expansion Could Improve Political Participation

Evidence from a randomized evaluation conducted by J-PAL affiliate Amy Finkelstein suggests Oregon's Medicaid expansion boosted short-term political participation in the years immediately after the law was passed.