

Gran parte de nuestros esfuerzos, resultados y logros son frecuentemente publicados en variados lugares del mundo en blogs, prensa escrita, podcasts y contenido en línea, entre otros.

April 2023 Newsletter

The April 2023 Newsletter highlights 15 ways to make the most of the J-PAL Dataverse, an updated policy insight on vocational and skills training programs to improve employment outcomes, and features upcoming trainings and events.

Bhopal: ‘Urja Desk’ allows women to freely share issues with police

International researchers have found that Urja Desk instituted in the police stations of the state have given ample space for the women victims to share their problems with the police. The fact came out in the three day Justice, Inclusion and Victim’s Access (JIVA) conference that started from...

Air Pollution

Air pollution is one of the largest threats to human health worldwide, leading to millions of early deaths every year. This air pollution is not the same as the greenhouse gas emissions that are driving climate change—but it does come from many of the same sources, such as burning fossil fuels for...

How states can promote food security as the public health emergency ends

J-PAL North America Invited Researcher Tatiana Homonoff discusses the ending public health emergency and consequences for SNAP benefits — and how evidence-based approaches can minimize the harm during this transition.

What the World Bank Can Do About Climate Change

Recent research by the Nobel laureate economist Esther Duflo and co-authors offers a second, related lesson, on what the World Bank can do about climate change based on data from one of the biggest polluters in the world: India.

March 2023 Newsletter

Our March 2023 Newsletter features a policy insight on strengthening women’s empowerment through access to childcare, an African Scholar Spotlight on Japheth Awiti Osotsi Stanley, and introduces a new education consortium in France.

How debit cards helped Indonesia’s poor get more food

Rastra, Indonesia’s national food aid program, is more effective when people experiencing poverty use debit cards at grocery stores rather than receiving bags of food sent to their homes, according to an MIT J-PAL study.

Digital Technology Is A Must For Inclusive Growth

Nodir Ruzmatov explores how digitial technology is essential for inclusive economic growth.