

Gran parte de nuestros esfuerzos, resultados y logros son frecuentemente publicados en variados lugares del mundo en blogs, prensa escrita, podcasts y contenido en línea, entre otros.

J-PAL North America launches two partnership opportunities to research social programs

In an op-ed for MIT News, J-PAL Policy Associate Mera Cronbaugh and Senior Policy Associate Laina Sonterblum discuss the launch of J-PAL North America's new evaluation incubators: the Housing Stability Evaluation Incubator and State and Local Evaluation Incubator.

How a Universal Basic Income Helped Kenyans Fight COVID

J-PAL affiliate Tavneet Suri and J-PAL Africa Project Director Nidhi Parekh co-wrote an opinions article about the outcomes of a J-PAL-funded study evaluating the long-term benefits of universal basic income (UBI) programs during COVID.

July 2022 North America Newsletter

J-PAL North America's July newsletter features our Economics Transformation Project blog series and new research results on a STEM pipeline program and the Nurse-Family Partnership program.

Arvind Kejriwal, Nobel Laureate Abhijit Banerjee meet, discuss pollution, jobs

The Hindustan Times summarized a meeting between Nobel Lauret and J-PAL founder Abhijit Banerjee and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal. The two discussed how to reduce pollution and generate employment in the city through innovation-based industries.

Mobile phones can enable learning during school disruptions. Here’s how

A J-PAL-funded study in Botswana found that mobile phones were a cheaper and more effective way to mitigate school-closure-related learning loss in children.

For better analysis, Kremer bats for RCT experimentation

The Indian Express covered Nobel Prize winner and J-PAL affiliate Michael Kremer's TN Srinivasan Memorial Lecture at the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER). Kremer discussed the importance of randomized control trials in creating good public policy and the need to improve the...

July 2022 Newsletter

In the July newsletter, we discuss how to use J-PAL's Dataverse, the lessons that can be learned from a math achievement program in Puerto Rico, and feature an affiliate spotlight of Sandip Sukhtankar.

When cash giving doesn’t work

J-PAL affiliated researchers Brian Jacob's and Julian Jamison's studies on the effects of unconditional cash transfers in the US are cited in an article by Vox seeking to explain why recent cash transfer research in the US tends to show insignificant results.