Lecciones de la Evidencia

¿Qué hemos aprendido de las evaluaciones aleatorizadas que los hacedores de política pública, los tomadores de decisiones y los donantes puedan usar para mejorar los programas sociales? Las Lecciones de la Evidencia de J-PAL están organizadas por sector y resaltan los aprendizajes que surgen en múltiples estudios y los mecanismos que ayudan a explicar los resultados encontrados.

Los Directores de cada Sector y el staff de J-PAL resumen estas lecciones a partir de evaluaciones aleatorizadas relevantes y las actualizan constantemente incorporando los hallazgos de la literatura más reciente. Cada lección resume la evidencia sobre un tema específico, ofreciendo enlaces a los artículos de investigación y a los resúmenes de las evaluaciones. Para más información sobre cómo desarrollamos nuestras Lecciones de la Evidencia, puedes leer esta entrada en nuestro blog.

Esperamos que estas Lecciones, al combinarse con un entendimiento detallado del contexto local y de la implementación del programa, puedan ser herramientas prácticas para el diseño de políticas y programas informados por evidencia. Para ver ejemplos de cómo las Lecciones de la Evidencia han informado las políticas públicas, visita nuestra página De la Evidencia a la Acción

Woman in Ghana stands in front of her roadside restaurant preparing food

Designing financial services and social protection programs to enhance women’s economic empowerment

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Providing women in low- and middle-income countries with financial resources or financial services did not consistently lead to economic empowerment if women were unable to maintain control over the use of funds within their households. Financial inclusion and social protection programs should...
Women using a cookstove in India. Photo: Thomas Chupein | J-PAL/IPA

Biomass cookstoves to reduce indoor air pollution and fuel use

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Despite their positive results in the lab, biomass cookstoves designed to reduce smoke exposure and/or increase fuel efficiency did not substantially improve health in several randomized evaluations in the real world. Many people did not want to buy or maintain them, did not use them enough, and...
man conducting an audit

Increasing accountability and reducing corruption through government audits

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Government audits have often increased political accountability, reduced misuse of public resources, and improved compliance with laws and regulations. In lower- and middle-income countries, audits have been more effective when the government had a stronger capacity to enforce punishments, when...
Man and woman using an ATM machine

Reducing the costs of saving

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High costs associated with formal bank accounts are often cited as a key obstacle for low-income households to save in formal financial institutions, but lowering the cost of savings does not consistently increase savings flows, likely due to a multitude of other barriers. Given the positive welfare...
parent child digital report

Providing information to students and parents to improve learning outcomes

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Giving parents and students information about their educational performance or options often increases parental engagement, student effort, or both, leading to improved learning outcomes. Providing information is also typically a low-cost intervention.
students in China taking an exam

Improving learning outcomes through school-based health programs

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Around the world, learning levels remain low and therefore a priority area for improvement. A key barrier to participation and learning in school is student health, especially in low- and middle-income countries. However, due to a lack of coordination between health and education departments, the...
Cash transfer in Kenya

Using cash transfers to improve child health in low- and middle-income countries

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Cash transfer programs conditional on the use of health products and services generally increase uptake and improve child health outcomes among households that receive them. Cash transfers that increase uptake of healthy behaviors in the short term can improve cognition and educational outcomes in...
Teacher helping student

Reducing community college dropout through comprehensive supports

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Providing community college students with a wide range of comprehensive supports, such as counseling, tutoring, and financial assistance, can improve low rates of persistence and graduation. These support programs address many simultaneous barriers that students face, which may be a key driver...