

Noticias, ideas y análisis del equipo de J-PAL y profesores afiliados. Subscríbete a nuestra lista para recibir emails mensuales con actualizaciones.

Introducing the European Social Inclusion Initiative

Many programs and policies across Europe aim to tackle social and economic exclusion of migrants and refugees, but there is little evidence suggesting which approaches work and which do not. J-PAL Europe recently released a white paper that reviews three key levers of social inclusion in the Europe...
Creating a culture of evidence use in Latin America | J-PAL report

New J-PAL Report: Creating a Culture of Evidence Use in Latin America

Our new J-PAL report, “Creating a Culture of Evidence Use: Lessons from J-PAL’s Government Partnerships in Latin America,” sheds light on the many paths from evidence to improved policy in government.

Recap of Financial Inclusion Week Twitter chat: Getting digital inclusion right

Financial inclusion is on the rise, but 1.7 billion adults around the world still remain unbanked – can digital finance close help close the gap? As part of Financial Inclusion Week 2018, J-PAL Finance sector and CEGA's Digital Credit Observatory hosted a Twitter Chat to discuss this question and...

Opening doors for refugee learners: Meet Ruba

  • Lauren Benner