

Noticias, ideas y análisis del equipo de J-PAL y profesores afiliados. Subscríbete a nuestra lista para recibir emails mensuales con actualizaciones.

A man presenting in front of a seated group of people

Beyond the Incubator: Building a community of practice

The Bay Area Evaluation community of practice is committed to supporting rigorously designed evaluations; implementing constituent-centered programs; sharing knowledge and stories; and informing housing policy in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.
Kids playing during school

Improving the quality of preschool education in Brazil

Bracell Foundation and J-PAL LAC launched a project, “Strengthening Learning and Development in Brazilian Preschools,” to identify, implement, and evaluate promising programs focused on improving the quality of education in preschools that have the potential to be scaled up.
Learning math in classroom India

The making of an NGO consortium to scale up “Every Child Counts” in India

In India, nearly every eligible child is enrolled in a primary school today. But many of them struggle to read simple sentences and do basic arithmetic. These children need special support to strengthen their foundational learning capabilities. Every Child Counts - a game-based curriculum designed...
A man using a saw

Building the foundation for robust vocational education RCTs in Egypt

More than two million students are enrolled in Egypt's technical education and vocational training education system, most of them from low-income backgrounds, seeking better livelihoods through skills attainment and the search for jobs in the labor market. These students are the constituents of our...
An illustration of a journal page

Lesson #3 | What not-to-do: Wisdom from years of trials (and errors)

This blog is the final installation of a three-part series by J-PAL South Asia’s executive director Shobhini Mukerji reflecting on two decades of advancing evidence-based policymaking.
Dulce Colín, general director for gender equality at the Government of Mexico City.

Video entrevista: Alianza con el Gobierno de la Ciudad de México para prevenir la violencia de género

Generar evidencia para informar políticas públicas que promuevan la equidad de género en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) es una importante prioridad para J-PAL LAC; las alianzas con gobiernos son fundamentales para lograr este objetivo. Desde 2020, J-PAL LAC colabora con la Secretaría de la Mujer de...
PPF's Spring Meeting titled “Fair Transitions” on June 10, 2024, at UM6P in Benguerir, Morocco, convening heads of state to he need for stakeholder cohesion and attracting financial investment.

Mobilizing agricultural development in Africa: J-PAL joins the Paris Peace Forum Coalition

The Paris Peace Forum (PPF), a French nonprofit organization, launched a policy initiative in 2023 called "Mobilizing for Strong and Sustainable Food and Nutrition Systems in Africa" to promote sustainable agricultural transformation on the African continent through South-North dialogue on policy...
 MSMEs products displayed at the Center for Integrated Services for MSMEs in West Java, Indonesia

Can product curation overcome challenges in MSME market expansion? Opportunities for impact evaluation

Insights from a recent Learning Collaborative event hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia (SEA) and the Directorate of MSME and Cooperative Development of Indonesia’s Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) shed light on evidence and insights on the most effective approaches to support MSMEs...