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A close-up picture of two hands operating a card reader

Tantangan dan Isu Utama dalam Meningkatkan Inklusi Layanan Keuangan Digital di Indonesia: Analisis Laporan White paper IFII J-PAL SEA

Keberhasilan Indonesia dalam meningkatkan inklusi keuangan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir didukung oleh komitmen yang kuat dari pemerintah dan sektor swasta, serta pesatnya inovasi teknologi terutama yang mendukung penyediaan layanan keuangan digital atau digital financial service (DFS). Memperluas...
A close-up picture of two hands operating a card reader

Key issues and challenges for advancing inclusive digital financial services in Indonesia

How can technological innovations in digital finance help accelerate progress? This blog recaps an October webinar hosted by J-PAL SEA's Inclusive Financial Innovation Initiative (IFII), which provided an overview of the financial inclusion and digital finance services sector in Indonesia and...
A woman wearing a mask helps an older woman to tie on her mask.

Monitoring the social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia

The rapid spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia has wreaked havoc on Indonesia's economy. J-PAL SEA has been conducting a continuous online survey since April 2020 to provide real-time data on the impact of COVID-19 in Indonesia.
Girls in uniforms sit in a classroom in India

Reflections from seven years of research in J-PAL’s Post-Primary Education Initiative

J-PAL’s Post-Primary Education Initiative has funded more than 140 projects since its inception in 2013. We reflect on what we’ve learned through this research—and where we go from here.
Commuters ride an escalator in London

Promoting upward mobility in partnership with state and local governments: The intersection of gender, race, health, and poverty alleviation

This blog post is part two of three in a series on how state and local governments in the United States can promote upward mobility in their communities. It is part of J-PAL North America’s work to develop a learning agenda that summarizes the core research priorities from state and local...
A world map with dots noting locations of GCCI projects.

Pushing the boundaries of governance, crime, and conflict research: Innovations in research, measurement, and design

In 2017, J-PAL and IPA jointly launched the Governance, Crime, and Conflict Initiative to increase our understanding of effective policies to promote peace and good governance, reduce crime, and support individuals and communities recovering from conflict. With three years of research behind us, we...
Two South African youths engaging in online skills training

Reducing labour market information frictions with skill certificates: Evidence from South Africa

Limited information during a firm's hiring decision or a workseeker's search can lead to "information frictions" that may contribute to the high global youth unemployment rate. In a recently published paper, J-PAL affiliated researchers showed how assessing youth workseeker skills in South Africa...
A woman completes a digital cash transfer

The leaky bucket: Can digitization of social welfare programs reduce leakages?

Corruption and ineffective program implementation often result in leakages, which are particularly concerning when it comes to social welfare programs, including cash transfers. But with rapid technological innovation and increasing connectivity, does digitization have the potential to help reduce...