

News, ideas, and analysis from J-PAL staff and affiliated professors. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly email updates.

Three people reviewing a document in a judge office

Beyond legal evidence: An interview with Judge Veronica Galván on evaluating judicial programs

This blog features an interview with Judge Veronica Galvan, a member of the King County Superior Court, on the role of evaluating judicial programs.
Dulce Colín, general director for gender equality at the Government of Mexico City.

Video interview: Partnering with the Government of Mexico City to prevent gender violence

Generating evidence to inform policies for gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is a crucial priority for J-PAL LAC, and government partnerships are critical to achieving this goal. Since 2020, J-PAL LAC has been partnering with the Mexico City Women's Secretariat (SEMUJERES)...
Two women wearing headscarves use a drill to upcycle a piece of wood furniture.

New Humanitarian Protection Initiative will help reduce harm to people affected by conflict

Today, the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) launch the Humanitarian Protection Initiative (HPI). The core of this initiative is a research fund dedicated to generating rigorous evidence to inform policies and programs that protect conflict...
J-PAL Africa presenting at a workshop with the Western Cape Government

Shukuma in South African schools: Fostering strong partnerships to address violence in the Western Cape

In 2019, representatives from the Western Cape Government’s Department of the Premier's Office attended J-PAL Africa’s Evaluating Social Programs (ESP) course in Cape Town to learn more about how evidence from randomized evaluations can inform program design and implementation. During ESP...
A NEPI employee speaks with a respondent to determine their eligibility for the STYL program near Monrovia, Liberia

Preventing violence at scale: How practitioners are using evidence to adapt and scale CBT programs

A growing number of crime and violence prevention programs are drawing on psychosocial techniques to help shift people’s behaviors and attitudes, offering a potentially low-cost alternative to more traditional security sector strategies. In particular, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been...
Children sit in circle in classroom

Shukuma in South African schools: Adapting evidence on cognitive behavioural therapy-inspired programmes to reduce violence

While evidence-based insights on the most effective ways to reduce crime and violence are scarce, rigorous evidence has shown that one family of interventions may be effective. A strong foundation of evidence suggests that interventions based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)...
Image of the Shasta County Superior Court building

Building research partnerships to address failures to appear for court in Shasta County, part two

Emily Owens (University of California, Irvine) and Shawn Watts (Shasta County Superior Court) discuss their evaluation on strategies to reduce failure to appear rates and their researcher-practitioner partnership.
Phone with message reading "Helpful reminder from Shasta County Superior Court. You have court on 6/015/2021 at 3:00 pm at 1500 Court Street, Department 3 in Redding. What time should you leave to get there by 3:00 pm? Any other arrangements to make? Missing court can lead to your arrest. If you have any questions regarding your court date, you may call (530) 245-6789 between 8:30 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm M-F, excluding holidays.

Building research partnerships to address failures to appear for court in Shasta County, part one

J-PAL North America talked with Project Manager Shawn Watts of Shasta County Superior Court, who shared the Court’s takeaways from the process of designing a randomized evaluation through the State and Local Evaluation Incubator.