

News, ideas, and analysis from J-PAL staff and affiliated professors. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly email updates.

Children study in a classroom.

Mitigating global learning losses: lessons from the pandemic

Researchers and policymakers in education are still only beginning to measure the significant learning and socio-emotional skill losses that occurred during the global outbreak of the coronavirus. This post outlines some ideas from recent and established rigorous research for governments and schools...
Three women are seated on a bench outside of a dwelling, one of whom holds a small child. Two women are seated next to the bench, peeling garlic over a large bowl.

Overcoming barriers to women’s adoption of digital financial services in Indonesia

In Indonesia, various efforts, such as digital financial education programs, expansion of QR code utilization to different types of merchants, and onboarding women-owned businesses to e-commerce platforms, have been and continue to be implemented to increase women’s adoption of digital financial...
Four speakers are seated at a panel table at the front of a room.

Youth economic inclusion in Morocco: An evidence sharing seminar

  • Alexandra Diggs
  • Fatine Guedira
The Morocco Employment Lab hosted an evidence sharing seminar on youth economic inclusion last month. At the seminar, Dr. Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, and Skills in Morocco, reaffirmed that a key priority of the government is to foster youth economic inclusion...
Two female students work on an engineering project, overseen by a teacher

Investing in students early: The effects of a STEM pipeline program for underrepresented high school students

The research team behind a rigorous, long-term evaluation of a STEM program for high schoolers discusses their new working paper & key findings, including a significant increase in graduation rates for program participants.
A screenshot of J-PAL affiliated professor Sandip Sukhtankar speaking during a virtual interview.

Lessons from gender-sensitive police reform in India: A Q&A with Sandip Sukhtankar on his new paper in Science

J-PAL affiliate Sandip Sukhtankar shares learnings, policy insights, and scaling plans related to a large-scale evaluation of gender-sensitive police reforms in Madhya Pradesh, India, published in July 2022 in Science.
Mother holding baby

How government, academic, and nonprofit partners are working to evaluate a home visiting program in South Carolina to improve family health and wellbeing

Jordan Desai (South Carolina Department of Health Human Services) ; William Thorland, (National Service Office for Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First); and Margaret McConnell (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) discuss the rigorous evaluation of the Nurse-Family Partnership program in...
A woman stands in front of a bookcase wearing a black jacket and glasses.

Affiliate Spotlight: Tavneet Suri on the importance of locally-grounded research

A weak internet connection did not stop J-PAL Africa Scientific Director Tavneet Suri from getting her point across in our interview: Good research is done with an ear to the ground and a connection to the community. Calling in from her home country of Kenya, Tavneet emphasized how important it is...
Public servants from MIMP (Peru) participate in a training by IPA and J-PAL

Joining forces to address gender-based violence in Peru

How can we identify the best strategies to confront gender-based violence? With this question in mind, in 2016 MIMP, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) Peru, and J-PAL LAC launched a collaboration to develop a learning cycle and institutionalization of evidence-informed decision-making in Peru.