

News, ideas, and analysis from J-PAL staff and affiliated professors. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly email updates.

Andrea stands in front of a posterboard, looking back at equations she has just written on it

Andrea Adhi, J-PAL ’19, on using interdisciplinary research to support Indonesia’s most vulnerable during Covid-19

Andrea Adhi is a former research manager at J-PAL Southeast Asia, where she managed randomized evaluations on branchless banking, migration, and more. Now at PUSKAPA, the Center on Child Protection and Wellbeing at Universitas Indonesia, Andrea leads their team focused on social inclusion and...
Three  women, two holding babies, buy food from a vendor seated at a table.

Improving gender equality in Indonesia: The importance of addressing gender norms

Read about J-PAL Southeast Asia's November 2021 webinar to raise awareness of the Government of Indonesia’s policies and programs to promote gender equality and discuss learnings from evidence on women’s empowerment interventions around the world.
A person uses an e-money app on a phone while sitting in front of a laptop.

Seri Blog IFII: Mendorong inklusi keuangan perempuan melalui e-commerce

E-commerce merupakan salah satu sektor digital yang sedang mengalami pertumbuhan pesat di Indonesia. Selain memberikan kesempatan bagi usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) untuk menjadi lebih produktif, e-commerce juga berpotensi mengurangi berbagai hambatan yang dihadapi oleh pengusaha perempuan...
A person uses an e-money app on a phone while sitting in front of a laptop.

IFII Blog Series: E-commerce platforms as a path to women’s financial inclusion

In the third installment in the IFII Blog Series, we discuss the challenges and opportunities to increase e-commerce adoption among women business owners.
A group of women and children stand in a group, talking

Seri Blog IFII: Menerapkan lensa gender dalam mengukur dampak layanan keuangan digital terhadap pemberdayaan perempuan

Meski laki-laki dan perempuan di Indonesia memiliki akses yang setara ke layanan keuangan digital atau Digital Financial Service (DFS), hal ini tidak menjamin tingkat penggunaan DFS yang setara antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Artikel sebelumnya di seri blog ini telah membahas bagaimana pentingnya...
A group of women and children stand in a group, talking

IFII Blog Series: Applying a gender lens in measuring the impact of DFS on women’s empowerment

In the second installment of the IFII blog series, we discuss the importance of applying a gender lens to measuring impact and share practical considerations for measuring empowerment.
Two women in line at bank

Seri Blog IFII: Pemberdayaan perempuan melalui layanan keuangan digital inklusif

Pemberdayaan perempuan merupakan salah satu tujuan penting layanan keuangan digital inklusif. Seringkali kebutuhan keuangan perempuan belum dapat dipenuhi oleh produk-produk keuangan yang ada, sehingga kendali mereka terhadap berbagai keputusan keuangan menjadi terbatas. Oleh karena itu, layanan dan...