Board Members

Our Board of Directors, which is composed of J-PAL affiliated professors and senior management, provides overall strategic guidance to J-PAL, our sector programs, and regional offices. The nine-member Executive Committee of the Board takes decisions on behalf of the full Board on an ongoing basis.

head shot of sule alan

رئيس مشارك, Education

Professor of Economics and Behavioral Science

Cornell University and Bilkent University

A head shot featuring a photo of Cally Ardington. She is wearing a green shirt and has brown shoulder length hair.

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Africa


University of Cape Town

david atkin

رئيس مشارك, Firms

Barton L. Weller (1940) Professor of Economics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

مدير, J-PAL

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Europe

Member, Executive Committee

Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

head shot of Lori Beaman

رئيس مشارك, Gender


Northwestern University

رئيس مشارك, Labor Markets

Chris P. Dialynas Professor of Economics

University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Headshot of Vinayak Bhardwaj

Executive Director, J-PAL Africa

رئيس مشارك, Crime, Violence, and Conflict

Ramalee E. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict Studies

University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy

Photo of Emily Breza

رئيس مشارك, Finance

Frederic E. Abbe Professor of Economics

Harvard University

رئيس مشارك, Firms

Associate Professor

University of Maryland

رئيس مشارك, Labor Markets


University of Warwick

John G. McLean Professor of Business Administration

Harvard Business School

Scientific Advisor for ESG and Corporate Partnerships

Headshot of Emanuele Colonnelli wearing a blue shirt and blazer

رئيس مشارك, Finance

Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship

The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Bruno Crépon photo

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa


ENSAE and École Polytechnique

رئيس مشارك, Health

Distinguished Professor

Georgetown University

Iqbal Dhaliwal

Global Executive Director, J-PAL

المدير العلمي, J-PAL South Asia

Member, Executive Committee

رئيس مشارك, Health

Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management

Professor of Applied Economics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

رئيس مشارك, Crime, Violence, and Conflict

Philip K. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict Studies

University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy

head shot of esther duflo

مدير, J-PAL

المدير العلمي, J-PAL South Asia

Member, Executive Committee

Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Headshot of Pascaline Dupas

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Africa

Professor of Economics

Princeton University

Headshot of Ahmed Elsayed

Executive Director, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Alison Fahey

Global Director of Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives, J-PAL

Director of Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives, J-PAL Global

Laura Feeney

Co-Executive Director, J-PAL North America

رئيس مشارك, Political Economy and Governance

Professor of Economics

University of California, Berkeley

المدير العلمي, J-PAL North America

Member, Executive Committee

John and Jennie S. MacDonald Professor of Economics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Global Deputy Executive Director, J-PAL

Director of Evidence to Scale, J-PAL


المدير العلمي, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Full Professor

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

رئيس مشارك, Environment, Energy, and Climate Change

Milton Friedman Professor of Economics

University of Chicago

Headshot Marc Gurgand

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Europe


Paris School of Economics (PSE)

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Southeast Asia

رئيس مشارك, Social Protection

Member, Executive Committee

Jeffrey Cheah Professor of South-East Asia Studies

Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Kelsey Jack

رئيس مشارك, Environment, Energy, and Climate Change

Member, Executive Committee

Associate Professor

University of California, Berkeley

Headshot of Seema Jayachandran

رئيس مشارك, Gender

Professor of Economics and Public Affairs

Princeton University

Jeanne Lafortune

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean


Department of Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC Chile)

Photo of Karen Macours

رئيس مشارك, Health

رئيس مشارك, Learning for All Initiative

Chaired Professor

Paris School of Economics

Headshot of Lina Marliani

Executive Director, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Issac Mbiti

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Africa

Associate Professor of Public Policy and Economics

University of Virginia

Craig McIntosh

رئيس مشارك, Agriculture

Professor of Economics

University of California, San Diego

Executive Director, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Cillian Nolan

Executive Director, J-PAL Europe

المدير العلمي, J-PAL North America

Professor of Economics

University of Chicago Booth School of Business

The photo shows Ben Olken in a button-up shirt

مدير, J-PAL

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Southeast Asia

رئيس مشارك, Social Protection

Member, Executive Committee

Jane Berkowitz Carlton and Dennis William Carlton Professor of Microeconomics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

رئيس مشارك, Education

Professor of Economics and Public Policy

University of Toronto

Adam Osman

المدير العلمي, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Associate Professor of Economics

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Rohini Pande

رئيس مشارك, Political Economy and Governance

Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics and Director of Economic Growth Center

Yale University

William Pariente

رئيس مشارك, Research, Education, and Training

Professor of Economics

Université Catholique de Louvain

Paula Pedro

Executive Director, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

A head shot of Vincent Quan in a suit, standing outside smiling behind a grassy background.

Co-Executive Director, J-PAL North America

Abhijeet Singh

رئيس مشارك, Education

Associate Professor of Economics

Stockholm School of Economics

Cindy Smith

Director of Finance, J-PAL Global

Tavneet Suri headshot

رئيس مشارك, Agriculture

Member, Executive Committee

Louis E. Seley Professor of Applied Economics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Global Director of Policy and Communications, J-PAL