
Our work would not be possible without the close collaboration and dedication of many partners. Together we are driven by a shared belief in the power of scientific evidence to understand what really works in the fight against poverty.

We work closely with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), a non-profit research organization with programs and offices around the world. Other partners are:

  • Implementing organizations like governments, NGOs, multilateral organizations, and businesses who run programs that our affiliated professors evaluate, use our policy lessons from research, and scale up programs that are proven effective.
  • Donors including foundations and bilateral organizations who provide funding for evaluations, scale-ups, and research initiatives.
  • Research centers and organizations that run the randomized evaluations of our affiliated professors, including the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at the University of California, Berkeley, the Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), the Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at Harvard Kennedy School, and IFMR Lead.

Nairobi Stock Exchange

Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) is the principal bourse in Kenya, offering an automated platform for the listing and trading of multiple securities.Over the last six decades, the NSE has consistently offered a well regulated, robust and world class platform for the trading of equities and bonds.

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

NBER is committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community.

National Bureau of Economic Research Center for Aging and Health Research

The NBER Center for Aging and Health Research promotes research by economists on issues in aging, and to better serve and coordinate NBER research on aging and health.

National Bureau of Economic Research Roybal Center for Behavior Change in Health

The NBER Roybal Center for Behavior Change in Health is one of thirteen centers authorized by Congress in 1993 and named for former House Select Committee on Aging Chair Edward R. Roybal. The Roybal Center program supports the translation and integration of behavioral and social research findings...

National Center for Supercomputing Applications

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), located at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, provides powerful computers and expert support that help thousands of scientists and engineers across the country improve our world. With the computing power available at NCSA...

National Consumer Law Center

The National Consumer Law Center developed the curricula for the First Accounts program, helping to provide low-cost financial services to unbanked individuals in the United States.

National Democratic Institute (NDI)

NDI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that has supported democratic institutions and practices in every region of the world for more than three decades. Since its founding in 1983, NDI and its local partners have worked to establish and strengthen political and civic...

National Elections Commission of Liberia

National Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone

National Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone partnered with J-PAL researchers to study the impact of publicly screened debates on voter outcomes.

National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is a semi-autonomous institution, which is charged with the responsibility of coordinating, monitoring, regulating and supervising environmental management in Uganda.

National Health Mission, Haryana

The National Health Mission (NHM), launched by the Government of India, aims to achieve universal access to equitable, affordable, and quality health care services that are accountable and responsive to people's needs. The National Health Mission, Haryana is the chapter of this initiative launched...

National Institute of Statistics (INS)

The National Institute of Statistics of Niger is dedicated to collecting data in the country and has partnered with J-PAL to evaluate a government program on changing gender norms.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIH is the steward of medical and behavioral research for the United States. They have collaborated with J-PAL to evaluate healthcare and health status in Rajasthan, India.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)- Fogarty International Center

The Fogarty International Center facilitates global health research. The institute has collaborated with J-PAL affiliates on a conditional cash transfer evaluation in Mexico.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) conducts and supports basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases.