
We host events around the world and online to share results and policy lessons from randomized evaluations, build new partnerships between researchers and practitioners, and train organizations on how to design and conduct randomized evaluations.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming J-PAL events at this time.

Past Events

Ashoka Internship J-PAL SA 2019

CareerTalk with J-PAL South Asia

to (5:30 to 6:30am EDT)
Live via Zoom
J-PAL South Asia’s CareerTalk aims to engage with a diverse cohort of college and university students interested in learning more about the development sector in India and employment opportunities at J-PAL South Asia. This webinar will be conducted on 17 July 2021 at 3:00–4:00 pm IST.
Woman in school writing on a black board

Summer School: “Innovations for Development”

Hosted by:
  • J-PAL Europe
  • Agence française de Développement
Organized on Zoom, the summer school will present innovative approaches for development through plenary sessions conducted by renowned academic researchers, and will improve the capacity of participants in the design, implementation and use of impact evaluations of social programs.
Two women wear face masks while selling their wares in the tradition markets of Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia

Emerging Challenges for the Post-Covid Era: Addressing Opportunity, Inequality, and Growth

to (5:30 to 6:35am EDT)
Live via Zoom
The economic damage of Covid-19 represents the largest economic shock the world has experienced in decades. In Indonesia, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant economic disruption, with adverse impact on jobs and livelihoods, especially among the most vulnerable segments of society. This...
Participants at J-PAL's Evaluating Social Programs course working through an exercise on their computers.
Workshop or Training

J-PAL/MIT Evaluating Social Programs Course, 2021

Live via Zoom
Held live over Zoom, this four-day training will equip participants with the resources and knowledge to engage with impact evaluations of social programs. The interactive course provides an in-depth look at why and when randomized evaluations can be used to rigorously measure social impact, methods...
Students access e-learning content on mobile phones during a class

Covid Dialogues: Addressing Education Challenges during Covid-19

Hosted by:
Live via Zoom
This Covid Dialogues webinar will share policy-relevant evidence on online learning, parental engagement, and girls’ education to address education access, quality, and equity challenges resulting from and exacerbated by Covid-19.
Beneficiaries collect rations from a government shop during the covid-19 pandemic

Using Phone Surveys to Improve Public Service Delivery and Guide Crisis Response

to (8:00 to 9:00am EDT)
Live via Zoom
In low- and middle-income countries, regular program monitoring for improving public service delivery and the beneficiary experience is often constrained by slow, indirect processes such as periodic government surveys as well as unrepresentative, sporadic data from government dashboards and...
Women shopping at an outdoor food market in Matadi, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Building State Capacity for Tax Collection: Emerging Evidence and Implications for Practice

Live via Zoom
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, tax revenues are equivalent to just 7.5% of GDP , standing in stark contrast to higher-income countries in which tax revenues generate billions of dollars for essential government services. These challenges of domestic resource mobilization are complex and...
A port in Morocco with several shipping contains and cranes at sunrise.

Experimentation and Evaluation Put Forward as Key to Morocco's Development

On May 25, 2021, the chairman of Morocco’s Special Commission for the Development Model presented the report on the New Development Model to His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The mandate of the Commission was to analyze the Kingdom's current development path and to outline a new development model...