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Abril 2024 Newsletter Trimestral J-PAL LAC

Esta edição da newsletter trimestral do J-PAL LAC dá boas-vindas a sua co-diretora científica Jeanne Lafortune. A leitura também trás avanços interessantes sobre as parcerias governamentais do centro de pesquisas na região, com eventos relacionados aos governos chileno e argentino. Descubra as...

Aiding the search for good jobs: Evidence from Uganda

To design policies that lead young labour-market entrants to good jobs, it is important to understand job search processes and what affects the ability to find gainful employment.

Africa: How Can We Achieve a Malaria-Free World?

Malaria is a major global health issue, and despite progress, there are still high rates of morbidity and mortality from the disease, particularly in Africa.

A revolution in helping Africa’s poor: Cash with no strings attached

A pioneering program in Malawi lets recipients decide how best to use the lump-sum payments.

Q&A: Claire Walsh on how J-PAL’s King Climate Action Initiative tackles the twin climate and poverty crises

Since 2020, K-CAI has innovated and tested climate policies in more than 35 countries and supported scale-ups that have reached over 15 million people.

How Mark Zuckerberg is reimagining the classroom

“I think that (VR) is one area that really would benefit from having some additional research,” said Vincent Quan, an education researcher and co-executive director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab.

Nobel-Prize laureate Abhijit Banerjee on the world's largest UBI experiment [Podcast]

The world's largest Universal Basic Income trial is currently underway in Kenya. It involves 295 villages and more than 20,000 families. The trial has just reached the two-year mark and Nobel-Prize winning economist, Abhijit Banerjee, joins us to talk about its progress – both economic and social.

April 2024 Newsletter

In the April 2024 newsletter, read about launching the Cape Town Water, Air, and Energy Lab, a new Policy Insight on preventing crime and violence, and lessons from the Nobel Symposium.