

Gran parte de nuestros esfuerzos, resultados y logros son frecuentemente publicados en variados lugares del mundo en blogs, prensa escrita, podcasts y contenido en línea, entre otros.

Isolating the effects of personalization in a targeted instruction program in India

Are the effects of targeted instruction programs—such as Teaching at the Right Level or Computer Adaptive Learning (CAL) software—indeed driven by personalization? In partnership with an education assessment firm, researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to isolate the impact of computer-based...

Los efectos educativos de mediano plazo de tutorías de corta duración en Chile

Investigadores evaluaron si un programa de tutoría de lectura de corta duración podría mejorar los resultados educativos de los estudiantes a corto y mediano plazo (hasta ocho años después del programa). El equipo concluyó que el programa aumentó los puntajes de las pruebas de lenguaje a corto plazo...

Providing Conditional Cash Transfers to Encourage Childhood Immunization in Pakistan

Sara Abdullah
Danya Arif
Subhash Chandir
Aamir Khan
In Pakistan, researchers conducted an evaluation to test the impact of different types of mobile conditional cash transfers (mCCTs) on childhood immunization coverage and timeliness. Overall, small mCCTs led to increases in rates of immunization coverage at a low administrative cost. Additionally...

Business Training for Women in Ahmedabad, India

Researchers offered two days of business training and assistance in identifying a medium-term financial goal to a random sample of women of different castes and religions in India. A random sub-sample of women were invited to attend the training with a friend. Women trained with a friend doubled...

Insurance, Credit and Technology Adoption in Malawi

Xavier Giné
In Malawi, researchers examined the effect of bundling rainfall index insurance with a credit program on farmers’ demand for credit. They found that bundling insurance with credit reduced the demand for credit, from 33 percent for credit alone to 17.6 percent for the bundled product.