

Browse news articles about J-PAL and our affiliated professors, and read our press releases and monthly global and research newsletters. For media inquiries, please email us.

Candidate Debate Participation for Citizen Engagement and Electoral Outcomes in Liberia

Jeremy Bowles
Researchers evaluated a nationwide debate initiative in Liberia designed to solicit and rebroadcast policy promises from legislative candidates. Results indicated that when leading candidates participated in debates, citizens were more engaged and informed.

What Generates Growth in Microenterprises? Evidence from Sri Lanka

To study the employment limitation of microenterprises, researchers offered microentrepreneurs capital to incentivize them to hire workers. Results showed that a wage subsidy did not lead to lasting increases in employment sales or profits.

School Fee Loans to Increase Students Educational Outcomes in Uganda

Researchers are evaluating the impact of a digital school fee loan, with and without a direct repayment incentive, on repayment rates, households’ well-being, and students’ educational outcomes.

The Effect of Information on Irregular Migration Decisions in Nigeria

Bernd Beber
Florian Foos
Researchers are evaluating the impact of providing information about the risks and outcomes of irregular migration through door-to-door campaigns and social networks on actual migration decisions in Nigeria.

Credit, Uncertainty, and Monitoring for Technology Adoption

In Senegal, researchers are testing a new contract arrangement between farmers and cooperatives that includes credit, training, and a price premium for certified low-aflatoxin groundnuts on farmers’ decisions to adopt Aflasafe, aflatoxin levels, and output sales.

The Impact of Community Policing on Citizens' Response to COVID-19

Travis Curtice
David Dow
Researchers are conducting phone surveys to understand the effects of a community policing intervention on citizens' trust in the state and how that affects their willingness to comply with COVID-19 related measures in Uganda.

Combining In-School and Out-of-School Programs to Improve Learning in India

Researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to test the impact of the combination of an in-school learning program with an out-of-school learning program on primary school math and reading levels. The combination of the two programs led to a significant increase in children's test scores in both...

Gender Gaps in the Diffusion of Agricultural Technology in Malawi

Ariel BenYishay
Maria Jones
Florence Kondylis
Researchers studied the impact of the gender of communicators on the effects of a program to train farmers to communicate information on agricultural technology to other farmers. While there was no gender gap in communicators’ ability to acquire, retain, and use the information about the technology...