
Policy Publications

Search our database of policy briefcases, bulletins, and evidence reviews. Briefcases summarize the results and policy recommendations from one randomized evaluation, while bulletins synthesize the broader policy lessons emerging from multiple evaluations on the same topic. Evidence reviews summarize an existing academic literature review, like a handbook chapter or white paper, for a policy audience.

Displaying 28-36 of 80

HCDI Evidence Wrap-up

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Maret 26, 2020
This publication describes some work to date supported by J-PAL North America’s US Health Care Delivery Initiative (HCDI). It summarizes the results of several randomized controlled trials supported by HCDI, as well as several publications related to studies supported by HCDI.
election officials with ballot papers in a polling station

J-PAL Governance Initiative Review Paper

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Oktober 30, 2019
This publication summarizes the academic review paper that informs the research agenda and highlights open questions of J-PAL's Governance Initiative.
Brick buildings

Reducing and Preventing Homelessness: Lessons from Randomized Evaluations

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September 5, 2019
J-PAL’s Evidence Review “Reducing and Preventing Homelessness: Lessons from Randomized Evaluations” highlights key research findings on policies to help people access and maintain stable, affordable housing and identifies research questions that remain to be answered. The publication synthesizes...

Empowering Citizens with Information: Improving Access to Social Assistance in Indonesia

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Agustus 1, 2019
In Indonesia, sending households official identification cards with information about the benefits they were eligible to receive from a national subsidized rice program led to a 26 percent increase in the benefits that eligible households received and a large reduction in leakage.
A man weaves a rug. Photo Credit: Haitham Fahmy | J-PAL

Egyptian Rug Firms Weave Their Way into Foreign Markets

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September 1, 2019
Offering small rug producers in Egypt opportunities to export rugs to high-income markets increased firm profits through improvements in firms’ technical knowledge, efficiency, and product quality.
Woman selling bread at a market. Myriam B | Shutterstock

Inspiring Success: Personalized Trainings for Microenterprises

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Agustus 1, 2019
An randomized evaluation found that adding sessions with role models and individualized assistance to intensive training courses for microentrepreneurs increased their household incomes, mainly through improved business practices and performances
Young students in India sitting outside

Reshaping Adolescents’ Gender Attitudes: Encouraging Students to Discuss Gender Equality in the Classroom

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Mei 1, 2019
A series of interactive classroom discussions about gender equality over two and a half years increased students’ support for gender equality and led students to enact more gender-equitable behavior in the state of Haryana, India.
A healthcare worker and mother with a baby in sub-Saharan Africa.

In the Business of Saving Lives

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Februari 5, 2019
In Uganda, an incentivized community health promoter program increased health care access, knowledge, and health-promoting behaviors among households, leading to a 27 percent reduction in child mortality.
Two high school students sit at desks with their tutor for personalized instruction

Will Technology Transform Education for the Better?

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Last Updated:
Januari 1, 2019
In recent years, there has been widespread excitement around the transformative potential of technology in education. The hype around education technology is rapidly outpacing evaluation of ed tech programs. How do we ensure that these innovative tools are actually helping our students learn? And...