
Nos équipes administratives, politiques et de recherche soutiennent notre mission aux quatre coins du monde depuis six bureaux régionaux ainsi que dans notre siège global au MIT à Cambridge, USA.

Headshot of Ntuthuko Hlela

Research Associate, J‑PAL Afrique

Headshot of J.C. Hodges

Education Manager, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Clare Hofemyr

Education & Training Manager, J‑PAL Afrique

Headshot of Diana Horvath

Research & Training Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Michael Hou

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Cesar Huaroto

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot of Mantasha Husain

Research Manager, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Mahmoud Hussein

Research Operations Manager, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Nabila Salma Huwaida

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Amena Ihab

Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Getsie Immanuel

Senior Research Manager, J-PAL South Asia

Oveglys Indriago

Finance and Operations Senior Associate, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot of Viji Iyer

Associate Director - Policy (Scale Ups), J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Akhilan J R

Research Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Kalila Jackson Spieker

Senior Policy Manager, J-PAL North America

Neha Jacob

Policy Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Anavi Jaiswal

Senior HR Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Manchit Jasrotia

Research Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Veena Jayaram

Senior Manager - Research Operations, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Louis Mael-Jean

Senior Policy and Training Associate, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Tanya Jha

Communications Manger, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Raunak Jha

Research Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Survey Coordinator, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Ahmad Jibril

Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia