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Screenshot of the DFM Chile learning platform.

Facing an educational Covid earthquake: An example of scaling up and innovating in Chile

Regardless of what happens with the new variants of Covid-19, our children’s educational process was substantially interrupted. Despite the tenacious efforts of educational communities and families, there is evidence that the negative consequences on educational achievement, socialization, emotional...
Francisca stands next to a chalkboard behind a group of young children

Francisca de Iruarrizaga, J-PAL ‘13, on reforming Chile’s child welfare system

Francisca de Iruarrizaga is a former policy and training manager at J-PAL LAC, where she worked to increase the use of evidence in Latin American policymaking and train policymakers in evidence generation and use. Formerly of the Chilean Ministry of Social Development prior to J-PAL, Francisca...
A man rides a bicycle wearing a delivery backpack and a mask

Learn how to evaluate your program with JOI Brazil

JOI Brazil’s social incubation process aims to support organizations in developing an evaluation proposal that can be funded through JOI.
A young man stands at a whiteboard in front of a class of students, all wearing masks

Applying evidence to help students catch up

School closures due to Covid-19 have thrown education in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) into crisis. How can we begin to address a disruption of this magnitude? To start, we can turn to the ample body of education evidence to guide us. Read to learn how evidence can guide education recovery...
Map of Latin America; participants' home countries are highlighted

J-PAL LAC welcomes the most diverse cohort yet to its impact evaluation Diploma program

J-PAL LAC is glad to welcome its fifth and most diverse Diploma cohort. Over six months, 32 students from six countries from LAC and 28 organizations will engage in over 100 hours of classes and conversations with J-PAL affiliates, UC Chile professors, and staff.
A woman sitting at a sewing desk smiles at the camera while cutting cloth with scissors

Growing the research agenda on women’s work

Through the Gender and Economic Agency Initiative (GEA), J-PAL is catalyzing a new body of innovative research on women’s work to support policymakers in implementing policies to support working women during and after the pandemic. GEA is now expanding our research portfolio with support from the...
Workers in construction helmets stand around a stack of boxes.

J-PAL LAC traz a Iniciativa de Empregos e Oportunidades ao Brasil

A crise da Covid-19 exacerba os desafios do mercado de trabalho no Brasil. Mais do que nunca, precisamos desenvolver soluções de política pública efetivas e baseadas em evidências. Em parceria com a Fundação Arymax, a B3 Social, a Potencia Ventures e o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, o J...
Workers in construction helmets stand around a stack of boxes.

J-PAL LAC brings the Jobs and Opportunity Initiative to Brazil

The Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated labor market challenges in Brazil. More so than ever, we need evidence-based solutions. With support from Fundação Arymax, B3 Social, Potencia Ventures, and the Inter-American Development Bank, J-PAL is bringing the Jobs and Opportunity Initiative (JOI Brazil) to...