Lecciones de la Evidencia

¿Qué hemos aprendido de las evaluaciones aleatorizadas que los hacedores de política pública, los tomadores de decisiones y los donantes puedan usar para mejorar los programas sociales? Las Lecciones de la Evidencia de J-PAL están organizadas por sector y resaltan los aprendizajes que surgen en múltiples estudios y los mecanismos que ayudan a explicar los resultados encontrados.

Los Directores de cada Sector y el staff de J-PAL resumen estas lecciones a partir de evaluaciones aleatorizadas relevantes y las actualizan constantemente incorporando los hallazgos de la literatura más reciente. Cada lección resume la evidencia sobre un tema específico, ofreciendo enlaces a los artículos de investigación y a los resúmenes de las evaluaciones. Para más información sobre cómo desarrollamos nuestras Lecciones de la Evidencia, puedes leer esta entrada en nuestro blog.

Esperamos que estas Lecciones, al combinarse con un entendimiento detallado del contexto local y de la implementación del programa, puedan ser herramientas prácticas para el diseño de políticas y programas informados por evidencia. Para ver ejemplos de cómo las Lecciones de la Evidencia han informado las políticas públicas, visita nuestra página De la Evidencia a la Acción

The limited impact of US workplace wellness programs on health and employment-related outcomes

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Two randomized evaluations of workplace wellness programs in the US found limited impact on employees’ health habits and no impact on their health, employment, or health care costs in the initial years, contrary to previous observational studies.

Facilitating savings among smallholder farmers to smooth or increase consumption

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Offering savings products to smallholder farmers did not transform agricultural investment or output in six studies in sub-Saharan Africa. In a few cases, savings products sometimes benefited farmers by providing a form of risk protection and by helping them smooth consumption over time.
Image: Elections in Nagpur, India

The risks and rewards of voter information campaigns in low- and middle-income countries

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Providing information on candidates’ qualifications, policy positions, and performance in office can affect voter turnout and who people vote for. In lower-income countries, this type of information has been most effective when it was widely disseminated from a credible source.
A girl in school in India

Increasing student enrollment and attendance: impacts by gender

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Reducing the costs and increasing the perceived benefits of education increase student participation for both boys and girls, and successful programs tend to help the gender with the lowest initial attendance most.

Changing resumes to reduce hiring discrimination

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Randomized evaluations show strong evidence of hiring discrimination against minority and underrepresented groups in many countries, with most evidence so far coming from developed countries. Where it has been tested using randomization, removing identifying information on job applications had...

Reducing costs to increase school participation

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Programs that reduce the costs of education increase student enrollment and attendance. However, there is considerable variation in the cost effectiveness of different programs.
Adolescent girls in India

Reducing adolescent pregnancy by increasing educational and economic opportunities in low- and middle-income countries

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Interventions that changed perceptions about girls’ abilities and opportunities or increased the educational and economic opportunities available to them encouraged girls and young women to delay pregnancy.