
Nos équipes administratives, politiques et de recherche soutiennent notre mission aux quatre coins du monde depuis six bureaux régionaux ainsi que dans notre siège global au MIT à Cambridge, USA.

Headshot of Lou Aisenberg

Senior Policy and Training Manager, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Aida ALEM

Senior Finance Associate, J-PAL Europe

Directeur/Directrice, J-PAL

Directeur Scientifique / Directrice Scientifique, J-PAL Europe

Member, Executive Committee

Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Communication and Operations Associate, J-PAL Europe

IIf Bencheikh

Director, Training, Finance and Operations, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Zahra Boudalaoui-Buresi

Policy and Research Associate, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Michael Braun

Policy Manager, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Ottavia Brussino

Senior Policy and Training Associate, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Quentin Daviot

Senior Research Manager, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Antoine De Mascarel

Research Assistant, J-PAL Europe

Ana Garcia-Hernandez

Associate Director of Policy, J-PAL Europe

Research Associate, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Alexandre Grellet

Research Associate, J-PAL Europe

Headshot Marc Gurgand

Directeur Scientifique / Directrice Scientifique, J-PAL Europe


Paris School of Economics (PSE)

Headshot of Pierre Hodel

Policy Manager, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Louis Mael-Jean

Senior Policy and Training Associate, J-PAL Europe

Katharina Kaeppel

Senior Research and Policy Associate, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Clémence Lobut

Research Manager, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Elyssa Majed

Senior Training and Policy Associate, J-PAL Europe

Administration and Communication Associate, J-PAL Europe

Sara Merner

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Maéva Mollion

Software Developer, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Cillian Nolan

Executive Director, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Andres Orduna Correcher

Research Assistant, J-PAL Europe