
Our work would not be possible without the close collaboration and dedication of many partners. Together we are driven by a shared belief in the power of scientific evidence to understand what really works in the fight against poverty.

We work closely with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), a non-profit research organization with programs and offices around the world. Other partners are:

  • Implementing organizations like governments, NGOs, multilateral organizations, and businesses who run programs that our affiliated professors evaluate, use our policy lessons from research, and scale up programs that are proven effective.
  • Donors including foundations and bilateral organizations who provide funding for evaluations, scale-ups, and research initiatives.
  • Research centers and organizations that run the randomized evaluations of our affiliated professors, including the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at the University of California, Berkeley, the Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), the Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at Harvard Kennedy School, and IFMR Lead.

Government of Colombia Ministry of Communication

The Government of Colombia Ministry of Communication has partnered with J-PAL to evaluate a computer assisted learning program.

Government of France Haut commissariat aux solidarités actives contre la pauvrete

The French Ministry for Active Solidarity against Poverty, which has recently been incorporated into the Ministry of Youth and Active Solidarity, is an organization within the French government that focuses on issues of unemployment, particularly among youth.

Government of France Ministry for Youth

The Government of France Ministry for Youth has partnered with J-PAL on interventions to help school-aged children succeed professionally and in school.

Government of Ghana Ministry of Education

The mission of the Ministry of Education is to formulate and implement policies that would ensure quality and accessible education to all Ghanaian with requisite skills to achieve human development, good health, poverty reduction, national integration and international recognition.

Government of Ghana Ministry of Food and Agriculture

The Ministry of Food and Agriculture's mission is to promote sustainable agriculture and thriving agribusiness through research and technology development, effective extension and other support services to farmers, processors and traders for improved livelihood. They have partnered with J-PAL on an...

Government of India Ministry of Agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture was set up to deal with all mattes affecting the practical improvement and development of the agricultural resources in the country.

Government of India, State of Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB)

The Government of Gujarat constituted the Gujarat Pollution Control Board to protect the environment and prevent and control the pollution of water in the State of Gujarat, which occupies a prominent niche in progressive and industrial development of the country.

Government of Indonesia

The Government of Indonesia has partnered with J-PAL to evaluate a conditional cash transfer program in the hopes of increasing family income and stimulating demand for social services.

Government of Karnataka

The Government of Karnataka partnered with J-PAL affiliates to evaluate the impact of a technological monitoring system on health worker attendance and patient health in primary health centers in the state.

Government of Kenya Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

The Kenya Ministry of Education, Science and Technology's mission is to provide, promote and coordinate lifelong education, training and research for Kenya's sustainable development. They have cooperated with J-PAL on several educational interventions.

Government of Kenya Ministry of Health

The Government of Kenya Ministry of health has partnered with J-PAL to evaluate several health interventions.

Government of Madagascar Ministry of Education

The Government of Madagascar Ministry of Education has partnered with J-PAL to help expand education in areas of the country with high grade-repetition rates.

Government of Mexico

The Federal Government of Mexico, the central government of Mexico, partnered with a J-PAL affiliated professor on an evaluation of a public service sector recruitment drive.

Government of Morocco Ministry of Education

JPAL was partnered with Morocco's Ministry of Education to evaluate the effect of labeled cash transfers on school attendance and performance.

Government of Nicaragua, Ministry of Family

The Government of Nicaragua, Ministry of Family has partnered with a J-PAL affiliate to evaluate numerous conditional cash transfer programs.

Government of Niger

Government of Niger National Ministry of Education

JPAL partnered with the National Ministry of Education in Niger to evaluate the effect of primary school community grants on parental empowerment and school quality.

Government of Poland