
Our work would not be possible without the close collaboration and dedication of many partners. Together we are driven by a shared belief in the power of scientific evidence to understand what really works in the fight against poverty.

We work closely with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), a non-profit research organization with programs and offices around the world. Other partners are:

  • Implementing organizations like governments, NGOs, multilateral organizations, and businesses who run programs that our affiliated professors evaluate, use our policy lessons from research, and scale up programs that are proven effective.
  • Donors including foundations and bilateral organizations who provide funding for evaluations, scale-ups, and research initiatives.
  • Research centers and organizations that run the randomized evaluations of our affiliated professors, including the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at the University of California, Berkeley, the Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), the Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at Harvard Kennedy School, and IFMR Lead.

Conseil National des Missions Locales (CNML)

Local missions of the CNML work in two ways: allowing for a better understanding of the problems of youth integration and promoting the initiative of all stakeholders involved in social integration, by developing a policy of action to create and support initiatives, and capitalize and disseminate...

Conseil supérieur de l'enseignement (CSE)

CSE is a consulting organization which offers guidance to the government on issues of education to the government of Morocco.

Consejo Nacional de Innovación para la Competitividad (CNIC)

Consorcio de Organizaciones Privadas de Promoción al Desarrollo de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (COPEME)

COPEME is a civil association created to promote and implement programs, projects and activities aimed at developing microfinance for small business at local, regional and national levels.

Consortium on Financial Systems and Poverty (CFSP)

CFSP is a private research organization comprised of leading and emerging economists, with the goal to improve the lives of the world’s poor and to reduce poverty through helping to identify, define and develop efficient financial systems. CFSP strives to generate tangible results that have...

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

CGAP, funding some of J-PAL's work to help the poor use microcredit in India, is an independent policy and research center dedicated to advancing financial access for the world's poor.

Contra Costa Health Services

Contra Costa Health Services is an integrated system of health care services, community health improvement and environmental protection whose mission is to care for and improve the health of all people in Contra Costa County with special attention to those who are most vulnerable to health problems.

Cooperative Insurance Company (CIC)

The CIC Group is a cooperative insurance entity that provides flexible insurance and financial services built around clients' needs in Kenya.

Cordaid (Catholic Organisation for Relief & Development Aid)

Cordaid is an international development organization based in The Netherlands.

Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) Research Program on Development Issues

CAF is a multilateral financial institution that mobilizes resources from international markets to Latin America.

Covered California

Covered California is the place where Californians can get brand-name health insurance under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It’s the only place to get federal premium assistance to help you buy private insurance from companies like the ones listed on the right. That means you may...

Covid-19 Messaging Working Group

The Covid-19 Messaging Working Group was formed to develop insights and implement strategies at scale for better communication on Covid-19. It includes economists, physicians, and epidemiologists.

Credit Indemnity & Financial Services (CIFS)

CIFS is one of the UK’s leading on-line underwriting agencies, providing trade credit insurance and related credit management products.

Crédito con Educación Rural (CRECER)

CRECER is a private nonprofit organization which exclusively provides its credit services with education to women, which allows them to develop their human potential through self-managed activities and projects. CRECER's Credit with Education product is based in the village banking methodology and...

Crédito Hipotecario Nacional (CHN)

CHN is a commercial bank in Guatemala that offers microloans. J-PAL coordinated with CHN on an evaluation to encourage saving.


CTrip is a Chinese travel agency that has partnered with J-PAL to evaluate the productivity benefits of working from home.

Cuttack Municipal Corporation

The Cuttack Municipal Corporation has partnered with J-PAL on an evaluation on urban communal sanitation solutions in India.


The DAAD is the world's largest funding organization for the international exchange of students and researchers