

News, ideas, and analysis from J-PAL staff and affiliated professors. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly email updates.

An engineer inspecting HVAC on a roof.

Generating evidence to advance state and local decarbonization efforts in the United States

Peter Christensen, Scientific Advisor of the J-PAL North America Environment, Energy, and Climate Change (EECC) sector, discusses the importance of rigorously evaluating decarbonization programming now, outlines the project’s work to build and execute a coordinated research agenda, and invites...
Presentation of the results of the first study funded by JOI Brazil, Stigma and Labor Supply.

J-PAL LAC 15: Fortalecendo políticas de mercado de trabalho no Brasil

Para celebrar os quinze anos do escritório do J-PAL para América Latina e Caribe (LAC), lançamos uma nova série de posts no blog intitulada “J-PAL LAC 15”. Nesta terceira edição, destacamos a Iniciativa de Empregos e Oportunidades Brasil (JOI Brasil), um passo importante em nosso compromisso de...
A child and parent sitting opposite a man talking.

Nurturing the null: Leveraging unexpected null results to improve case management for housing services

Kimberly Dodds, homeless prevention program manager in King County, Washington, discusses her experience discovering that their program had null results and how they were used to improve the Youth Family Homelessness Prevention Initiative.
A Camden Coalition health practitioner leaving a house. Three individuals are standing around the house.

Nurturing the null: Navigating Evaluation Challenges in Community-Based Care Management

  • Aaron Truchil
  • Dawn Wiest
  • Kathleen Noonan
In this piece, originally published in American Society on Aging’s Generations, Aaron Truchil, Dawn Wiest, and Kathleen Noonan of the Camden Coalition discuss their experience finding and learning from null results.
Two individuals looking at a chalk board with formulas and notes written on it.

Nurturing the null: Preparing for null results to bolster evidence use

Null results—finding no impact—can be particularly difficult for researchers, policymakers, and service providers to act on. In this blog post, we share three key considerations for successfully designing studies and acting on null results.
Three people stand around a white board and point to it.

J-PAL LAC 15: expandindo programas de desenvolvimento infantil por meio de evidências na região

Comemorando quinze anos do escritório da J-PAL na América Latina e Caribe (LAC), estamos recapitulando marcos importantes e compartilhando o que aprendemos em uma nova série de blogs. A série destaca lições do trabalho com aqueles que tornam nossa missão uma realidade: nossas organizações doadoras...
Pascaline Dupas welcoming ENSEA into ADEPT

Building a worldwide Alliance for Data, Evaluation, and Policy Training

The Alliance for Data, Evaluation, and Policy Training (ADEPT) is a new effort led by J-PAL together with universities, training institutions, and other actors to empower researchers and decision-makers to use evidence to solve complex policy problems.
Five headshots of the blog authors. Top row starting from the left: Damon Jones, Laura Feeney, Matt Notowidigdo. Bottom row starting from the left: Shanyce Campbell, Sule Alan.

Exploring the role of positionality in economics research

J-PAL North America convened a small group of researchers to ask how we might consider positionality within a quantitative research setting.