Sule Alan

Co-Líder, Education

J-PAL Affiliated Professor

Professor of Economics

European University Institute, Florence

Sule Alan is a Professor of Economics at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy and an adjunct professor at Bilkent University, Turkey. Her research primarily focuses on topics around household finance and household behavior. She has been conducting large-scale educational interventions across Turkey in collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Education, Bilkent University, ING Bank and Regional Environment Center.

Sule is the Co-Chair of J-PAL's Displaced Livelihoods Initiative and Humanitarian Protection Initiative. She has served as a lecturer at J-PAL training events and as a member of J-PAL's Innovations in Government Initiative (IGI) Review Board.

Sule received a BSc in economics from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara in 1992 and a PhD in economics from McMaster University in 2002.