Ankesh Kumar

Headshot of Ankesh Kumar

Research Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Ankesh Kumar is a Research Consultant with extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative research. He holds an MSc in Economics from TERI School of Advanced Studies and received his Bachelor’s in Economics from Banaras Hindu University.

Prior to his recent role at the Asian Development Research Institute, where he worked on a quantitative project across all districts of Bihar in collaboration with the London School of Economics, Ankesh worked at Inclusion Economics India Center. There, he contributed to gender-based impact evaluations and rural banking simulations. He also has experience working with the PRADAN. Ankesh has managed large-scale data collection, provided training for enumerators, and developed high-frequency checks for real-time data monitoring. He has fieldwork experience in Bihar, Jharkhand, MP and Chhattisgarh, overseeing surveys and impact evaluations.