Ana Isabella Gonzalez Palma

Ana Isabella Gonzalez Palma headshot at LAC office

Research Manager, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Isabella González is a research manager at J-PAL LAC, where she facilitates the implementation of research initiatives and fosters strategic partnerships to strengthen the capacity for conducting impact evaluations in the region.

Before joining J-PAL, Isabella worked for four years as a researcher in the Unit of Medical Anthropology at the Center for Health Studies, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. She employed transdisciplinary orientantions to foster dialogues of knowledge on health-disease processes. Her research encompasses a wide array of subjects, including ethnomedicine and ethnobotany, intercultural health, maternal health, and One Health.

Isabella graduated with merit from the University of Oxford, earning an MSc in medical anthropology. She also holds a postgraduate degree in development methodologies and a BA in industrial engineering from Universidad del Valle de Guatemala.

She is a Chevening Scholarship fellow (UK) and a participant in the IX Programa para el Fortalecimiento de la Función Pública en América Latina (Fundación Botín). Isabella is an active member of the Chevening Alumni network, the Red de Servidores Públicos de Centroamérica y el Caribe, and a founding member of the Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research