Isidora Barría

Senior Associate, J-PAL Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Isidora Barria is a Senior Research Associate at J-PAL LAC, where she works on educational projects, coordinating research implementation and fieldwork. She is currently responsible

for implementing the “Daycare Deserts” research project, funded by Yale University, which seeks to track early childhood education centers in Santiago, Chile.

She joined J-PAL in 2024, working on research aimed at evaluating access to information about pre-school education in urban centers in Latin America. She then participated in initiatives involving direct coordination with educational establishments, creating digital profiles to facilitate access to information about school access and characteristics. During 2022 and 2023, she participated in the non-profit organization ConsiliumBots, also in the implementation of programs for educational centers and students in Chile and Colombia. In this organization, she coordinated the program's implementation with the participating institutions. Later, she joined TetherEd, where she was in charge of data improvement processes and establishing contact with educational institutions.

Isidora holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Chile and has experience working with communities through volunteering and the research projects in which she has participated.