Nuestros Socios

Nuestro trabajo no sería posible sin la colaboración y la dedicación de muchos socios. Juntos estamos impulsados ​​por una creencia compartida en el poder de la evidencia científica para comprender lo que realmente funciona en la lucha contra la pobreza.

Nuestro trabajo no sería posible sin la colaboración y la dedicación de muchos socios. Juntos estamos impulsados ​​por una creencia compartida en el poder de la evidencia científica para comprender lo que realmente funciona en la lucha contra la pobreza.

Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), una organización de investigación sin fines de lucro con programas y oficinas en todo el mundo. Otros socios son: 

  • Organizaciones implementadoras como gobiernos, ONGs, organizaciones multilaterales y empresas que llevan programas que son evaluados por nuestros profesores afiliados, o las cuales utilizan nuestras lecciones de políticas públicas para invertir en programas que han demostrado ser efectivos.
  • Donantes, incluyendo fundaciones y organizaciones bilaterales, que proporcionan fondos para evaluaciones, escalamientos e iniciativas de investigación.
  • Centros de investigación y organizaciones que implementan las evaluaciones aleatorias de nuestros profesores afiliados, incluido el Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, el Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), el Crime Lab en la Universidad de Chicago, el Evidence for Policy Desing (EPoD) en Harvard Kennedy School y el IFMR Lead.

UCT Law@Work Club

The UCT Law@Work Club is an exclusive learning community driven by personalized support and coaching from experts in Labor Relations and Employment Law. The Club is operated by GetSmarter, a specialist online education company. Consultation provided by the club expert is in his capacity as an...

Uganda Microfinance Limited (UML)

Uganda Microfinance Limited (UML) is a microfinance institution (MFI) with 27 branches in different locations across Uganda. In 2008, UML had over 25,000 customers, a loan portfolio of US$24 Million and a default rate of 4 percent. UML partnered with a J-PAL affiliate on an evaluation of the...

UK Financial Conduct Authority

The Financial Conduct Authority is the conduct regulator for nearly 60,000 financial services firms and financial markets in the UK and the prudential supervisor for 49,000 firms, setting specific standards for 19,000 firms.

UK International Development

UK International Development leads the UK’s work to end extreme poverty. J-PAL's Agriculture Technology and Adoption Initiative, Crime and Violence Initiative, Governance Initiative, Post-Primary Education Initiative have been supported by UK International Development from the UK government.

UK International Development

UK International Development leads the UK’s work to end extreme poverty. J-PAL's Agriculture Technology and Adoption Initiative, Crime and Violence Initiative, Governance Initiative, Post-Primary Education Initiative have been supported by UK International Development from the UK government.

Umalab Ka

Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality (UFGE)

The Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality (UFGE) enables better data and knowledge of what works (and what does not) to help governments and companies invest effectively to close gaps between women and men. Underpinned by the World Bank Group’s Gender Strategy, the UFGE leverages expertise across...

UNDP Mozambique

UNDP has worked in Mozambique since 1976, with the formalization of a cooperation agreement between UNDP and the Government of Mozambique. The Standard Basic Framework Agreement was signed in 1976, in less than a year after Independence, and establishes UNDP’s presence in the country.

Undue Medical Debt

Undue Medical Debt (formerly RIP Medical Debt) is a national nonprofit whose purpose is to strengthen communities by abolishing financially burdensome medical debt.


The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) works for children's rights, their survival, development and protection by providing long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.

Union des Industries et Métiers de la Métallurgie (UIMM)

The UIMM is an employers' association whose mission is to represent and promote the interests of companies or all sizes and types engaged in metallurgy.

United Illuminating Company (UI)

The United Illuminating Company (UI) is a New Haven-based regional electric distribution company.

United Kingdom Cabinet Office

The UK Cabinet Office supports the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. It includes the government's Behavioural Insights Team.

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

The UNCCD is the global voice for land. We promote practices that avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation and are the driving force behind Sustainable Development Goal 15 and Land Degradation Neutrality.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the global development network of the UN, focusing on furthering the Millenium Development Goals.

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) coordinates United Nations environmental activities, assisting developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices.

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

UN-Habitat supports countries to implement the urban dimensions of the sustainable development agenda to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. We focus on four main domains of change: Reduced spatial inequality and poverty in communities across the urban-rural...

United Nations Peacebuilding Fund