The Year Ahead
Our vision for 2024 builds on a strong foundation to generate
more equitable and evidence-based policies for a better world.

Scale to reach millions
Build partnerships with governments to test, innovate, and scale effective approaches that improve lives worldwide.

Ensure climate solutions reach the most vulnerable
Design, test, and scale cost-effective, high-impact policy solutions at the nexus of climate change and poverty alleviation.

Improve the effectiveness of humanitarian action
Launch a new initiative to catalyze research, partnership development, and training efforts that improve targeting and implementation of social programs in humanitarian settings.

Renew focus on cost-effectiveness
Develop a suite of comparative cost-effectiveness analyses on programs ranging from cash transfers to childcare provision to student learning and more that help people make better decisions about where to invest scarce resources.

Harness the power of AI
Explore how AI adopters can effectively evaluate and apply models for social good, including through improved targeting, reduced barriers to program access, and boosting government capacity.

Catalyze private sector impact
Expand our research generation and evidence sharing with corporate partners to shape responsible business programs for greater social and environmental impact.

Empower a new generation
Massively scale our education and training programs worldwide to reach more people who have the capacity, ambition, and opportunity to improve lives through evidence, especially those with backgrounds underrepresented in economics.