The Alliance for Scaling Policy Impact through Research and Evidence (ASPIRE) is a coalition of governments, philanthropic organizations, civil society groups, and research institutions hosted by J-PAL South Asia. ASPIRE is working to scale up effective programs that tackle some of India’s biggest development challenges.

We believe that long-term, multi-stakeholder partnerships are essential to solving systemic policy problems, and bring meaningful changes in the lives of people.

Our approach combines acquiring a deep understanding of the policy priorities of governments through engaged research, with extensive on-ground fieldwork to design policy solutions for driving impact at scale.

About us

J-PAL South Asia and Veddis Foundation have more than a decade’s experience in employing evidence to achieve improved social outcomes.

A medical worker immunizes a child while her mother holds her.
A woman teaches a class of young children in India

What we do

ASPIRE works collaboratively with governments to innovate, test and scale-up solutions to the most pressing policy challenges.


Opportunities for those interested in partnering, supporting or working with ASPIRE.

A group of four Indian woman stand in front of a computer and smile at something off-camera